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I quickly hop up on the stage walking over to Xavier quickly writing down what I want him to play while this song comes to a finish. Once done so I hop off the stage getting a few whistles from a few guys but keeping my eyes on Andy.

*********HARRY'S P.O.V***********

"Harry mate! Your sisters hot!!"

"Mate? If I touch her will my fingers burn?" While I sit at the bar with my 4 best friends having them say sexual things about my sister sure, I know she's attractive but still she's my sister and I'm supposed to protect her, and with Andy? I mean I hardly know him it's just what he does that scares me into thinking Savannah is going to either get sucked into all that trouble or becoming like them because she'll only get hurt.

******** Andy P.O.V ***********

Coming with Ashley to that bar for my 23rd birthday was the best decision I've made, I got pulled into that room by that girl who changed my shirt into a neon green. Painted my face to suit the people in the club but managed to put her own twist on it. I never knew Harry had a sister nor she was so different from everybody else here in America, she's got the boys after her while she's here grinding on my lap. She looks like one of those girls that doesn't talk much and when she does it's with her group of girls, but she also looks like one of those girls who sings just not with her brothers band... Alone.. Do I know her?

**********Echo's P.O.V*********

Once the song ends I stop grinding on Andy's lap because of Harry's intense brotherly stare I quickly check the time noticing the bar should be closing soon, I look at the door seeing a few people leave then turning to Harry smiling brightly like I did as a child to get out of trouble.

I slowly walk over twiddling my thumbs while he smiles brightly whispering "try not to make my friends go crazy next time?" While I laugh slightly looking between the 5 boys as they stare off into space I notice the club is cleaned out except for Andy and the boys, I laugh again when I see Hali and that guy run out of the doors and to her car and Lilliana outside waiting for a ride. I look between the 5 boys and Andy who's now at my side holding my waist.

"Well it looks like you guys have alot of energy.... WHY DONT YOU HELP ME CLEAN UP?!" While they all spread out I turn to Andy sliding his hand off my waist saying starstruck "w-we have to clean up love..."

Once done cleaning up I turn to my brother Harry saying dully "so... When do we go back on tour again?" I sigh covering my face when he says dully "just 2 days Ec, not long I know but we'll be back just as soon as the tour is over." A small smile forms on my lips then I get the idea and pull out my phone and run over to Andy saying "hey Andy! Before you leave have this..." I hand him the small piece of paper with my number and smile when he gives me a small kiss on my cheek and walks to his car.

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