Chapter Three

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Addison was scared.

She woke up in a dark room with her hands and feet duct taped together, with a single piece going across her mouth. She had no idea where she was, and if it was even that same boy from the hospital who kidnapped her.

She heard muffled voices coming from somewhere. It was pitch black besides the little rays of light coming from under a door. From what she could tell, she was locked in a closet. The pain on the back of her headed faded as if it hadn't happened.

Addy struggled, trying to get out of the restraints. She had no luck as she wiggled and pulled; the tape was just too tight. She heard footsteps near the door and instantly stopped struggling. She was beyond scared as a few tears streamed down her cheeks.

Light flooded into the room, and it hurt her eyes as they had become adjusted to the dark. Addy was shocked to see the one and only Scott McCall standing above her with his best friend, Stiles Stilinski.

"Are you kidding me?" Stiles groaned as he rubbed a hand through his hair. He had promised himself to never let his friends make the plans ever again.

"I panicked!" Scott defended.

"Yeah, well, you seem to be doing that a lot lately." The two juniors looped an arm around Addy and helped her stand up. She struggled in their hold, thrashing and elbowing with the little amount of movement she had. She managed to get a good hit on Scott, even though it didn't affect him.

The boys plopped her down on the bed and knelt in front of her. Addison's eyes darted around the room. Stiles stood in front of the door, and she didn't know how high up she was to jump out the window.

Scott was extremely confused with Addison. She had a weird aura around her that he couldn't place. It wasn't the same as a werewolf or anything he had ever seen before, but the thing that jumbled him most was her eyes. Instead of their normal dark brown, they glowed. They glowed a bright peach.

"We're not going to hurt you, okay?" Scott told her. "Okay? I'm going to take the tape off, but please don't scream." Addy nodded her head. Dry tears caked her cheeks, making her look vulnerable. She was vulnerable, and she hated it.

Scott carefully pulled the tape away, careful not to hurt her. She was tempted to scream and yell for help. She almost did, until Scott asked her a question.

"What are you?"

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about!" she cried out. He had asked the exact same thing out on the field earlier that day. She knew something was wrong with her, but part of her wished it was just her imagination.

"Your eyes are glowing orange! And the cut on the back of your head? It healed in seconds!" Stiles exclaimed. His eyes were flickering everywhere and he looked beyond frustrated.

"It's more of a peach, actually," Addy muttered. She knew what they were talking about. She knew that her eyes glowed sometimes, especially when she was scared or angry.

"So you do know what we're talking about..." Scott trailed off. Addy kept her eyes on her lap. She had a habit of not making eye contact whenever she got nervous. He could tell that she didn't know much about herself, otherwise she would have known that he wasn't human either. "How long has this been going on?"

"Since I was ten," she muttered, finally looking up. Her eyes had stopped glowing and returned to her usual brown ones. She took in Scott's room with greater detail. It was quite clean for a teenage boy's room, besides the few t-shirts that laid around and the pile of a broken chair and duct tape. Someone else was here, someone in the same situation as her, or similar at least.

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