Chapter Six

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"Liam Dunbar, I do not care that you have werewolf abilities. How much am I worth?" Addy threatened. She had him pushed up against the wall, and in any other circumstances, Liam would have found it really attractive.

Scott was talking to his dad, and Stiles left with Brett to the animal clinic where that Deaton worked. She was confused as to how a vet could help her until Scott explained what he was.

"Ads..." Liam started. He didn't want her to worry about the deadpool. He didn't want to worry about the deadpool. Addy gave him a final glare before he caved in, "Twenty-one million."

Her grip on him loosened tremendously. Twenty-one million dollars. She didn't even have twenty-one dollars, much less that times a million. Liam pulled Addy into his chest. She wasn't expecting to be worth that much. She didn't even know what she was; how could someone else know?

"Hey, you're going to be okay. Scott, Kira, me: we're all going to protect you, protect each other." Liam stroked her hair. She took it out of the French braid it was in for the game, and it left nice waves. Addy felt the tears drip down her cheeks and land on Liam's shirt. She had never been more scared in her life.

The rest of the team left unwillingly after Coach yelled at them. Addy had told her brother to go home, and that she would get a ride back. She had to stay and get questioned, considering she was at the scene of a crime. He didn't want to leave her alone, but she promised him she was – and would be – okay.

Agent McCall and the sheriff passed by the two, and Addy pulled away so they could go talk to Scott. She wiped her cheeks, and apologized to Liam for getting his shirt wet. He just chuckled and grabbed her hand.

"Where's Kira?" Addy thought it was cute how that was the first thing he asked. He really cared about the kitsune. She really loved the relationship between those two.

"She took off. Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the deadpool," Liam explained. Addy flinched at the mention of the deadpool. The action didn't go unnoticed by the two werewolves.

"Her mom's on it."

"Everyone's on it."

"You're not." Addy was thankful that he wasn't on the list. It was bad enough that she was on it.

"Not yet. There's still another third, right?"

Scott never answered the question. He was too busy listening in on the conversation involving his dad. Addy rolled her eyes. She couldn't hear a damn thing, unlike the werewolves in front of her.

"What did they say?" she asked as they started walking away from the scene.

"They want to look through their lockers," Scott answered. They stopped in front of the empty locker room. Liam stood at the door, watching as Scott and Addy looked in Garrett's locker. It was practically empty, with only a few personal things on the top shelf, but what caught their eye was the red duffle bag at the bottom.

"I think someone's coming. Hurry," Liam warned, peeking his head out the door. They would get in so much trouble if they were to get caught. Sure, Scott's dad was working on the case, but they were interrupting a crime scene.

Scott knelt down to see what was in the bag. Addy was hoping it was just going to be some clothes, but when he unzipped the bag, both of their jaws dropped. There were tons of stacks of bills in the bag, easily over a hundred thousand dollars.

"You find anything?"

"No, nothing," Scott answered. He gave a look to Addy. They couldn't tell anybody about the money: not yet. And Addy understood. They were having money problems at home, too. It seemed like everyone in this town was.

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