Chapter Twelve

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"Come on, Addy. We're already late!" Brayden yelled from the bottom of the stairs. The bonfire had already started, and the two Ryders were going to be even later because Addy couldn't decide what pants to wear.

She finally decided to match her lacrosse jersey that her brother told her to wear with a pair of black skinny jeans that had rips on them. Her hair was straightened for once, and she actually took the time to put some makeup around her eyes.

Addy did one last look over in the mirror and grabbed her combat boots by the door. Brayden was dressed similarly to her – black jeans and converse, and his lacrosse jersey was loose on him too.

"Are you wearing makeup?" It was the first thing he asked as she closed the door to his car. He turned in his seat and gave her a once over; she was definitely wearing makeup.

"I do wear makeup sometimes, ya know?"

"Yeah, only when Mom makes you," Brayden snapped back. If there was one thing the two shared in common it was their sass. Luke had the pleasure of witnessing the argument they had. It was unbelievable how the two could come up with something witty so fast. He had a pretty good laugh, particularly when Addy had won.

"Is it a boy? That Liam kid?" her brother continued on. Addy stayed silent. "Addy, look: I'm okay with you going out with people, but just be careful around him, okay? You're too young to have your first heartbreak."

"I trust him, you know? He makes me happy. I just-I really like him, Bray," Addy said. The car hadn't been started yet, and she was starting to get cold. The sky was dark, making the cool air even colder. It would be warm at the bonfire, with all the bodies and the actual fire itself.

"If you trust him, then I can trust him slightly more than the little-itty bit amount I do now."  Brayden held up his two fingers very closely together to show the little amount of trust he held for the freshman. Addy smacked his hand away and laughed.

"Just drive."

The party had well started. People were already starting to get drunk around the siblings as they walked through the crowd. Luke trailed behind the Ryders, his eyes searching the mass of students.

"God, can this place get any more crazier?" Addy muttered. As soon as the words passed her lips, the music got louder and the cheers started up. Maybe Liam was right and they should have stayed home. Movies and popcorn sounded great right about now.

Addy searched the crowd for Liam. They hadn't talked about what happened on the lacrosse field that morning. She didn't want to discuss 'what they were' because she liked how it was. She liked being best friends with him, and she liked kissing him. It was playful.

"Go find your boyfriend," Brayden said. He took a sip of the bottle of liquor he held and passed it to Luke. They always shared their drinks. Addy often made fun of them and asked if they liked swapping spit.

"Oh, did you finally make a move on him?" Luke asked, nudging her side. 

"He's not my boyfriend," Addy snapped. She took the bottle and had a swig before passing it back to the boys. She did a little wave as she walked off, nearly bumping into a couple that were getting a little too handsy. Addy spotted Liam chugging down a bottle. He was talking to Mason, and if she had werewolf hearing, she could have heard the conversation. It became clearer as she got closer.

"Why?" Liam chuckled. His best friend just told him to get completely wasted. He was worried about Addy, mainly because she hadn't showed up yet, and she was the whole reason he finally decided to go.

"Oh, hey Addy." Mason waved as she got closer. Addy smiled and waved back. She sat down next to Liam on the picnic table. He held two bottles in his hand, one filled with alcohol and the other an empty pop bottle.

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