Chapter Four

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"Liam, I really don't want to go to a party."

"But you owe me!"

Addy gave Liam an annoyed look. He had just got asked to a party by a junior, and asked her if she wanted to go. Which she really didn't. She was having enough trouble staying awake during the day, so there was no way she could stay up all night during a party.

"Liam, just not tonight, okay?" She walked past the pleading boy to get to her brother's car. She fell asleep during math, and not to mention she was extremely anxious about that project she handed in. She needed to do good on it in order to stay passing that class. Her family didn't know how badly she was doing in it. 

"Please!" Liam grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her back towards him. He had a small pout on his face, which Addy found downright adorable. He swung their interlocked hands together, still begging for her to go with him. It would be a fun way for them to get to know each other - and he wanted to drink. 

"Liam," she sighed. She really did not want to go to some party. Partly because she wasn't a big fan of loud music and sweaty, horny teens, but mostly because she couldn't even stay up on her feet. She just wanted to go home and watch her series on Netflix. "I am completely wiped. Just not tonight, okay?"

"There's time to go home!" Liam tried again. He wasn't giving up so easily. "You can take a nap and be all rested up."

Addy knew a nap wasn't going to get her awake. She also knew if she didn't agree Liam would continue to bug her until she went. She sighed, and checked the time on her phone. Her brother would be waiting for her. "What time is the party?" Liam grinned at her.

"I'm not sure. She said she was going to text me," Liam explained. Addy raised an eyebrow at him. Why would he want Addy to go if he was going with a girl as it was?

"Liam," she seemed to be saying that a lot lately, "look, I really have to go, but I'll text you, okay?"

Addy could see the sadness cover his face as soon as she said that. She felt bad as soon as she said that, but she really did have to go. Liam nodded, and gave her hand a final squeeze before she moved to her brother's car. She would talk to him later, there was no point in getting his hopes up if she didn't plan to go. 

"Hey." Addy yawned as she closed the door to the old car. Brayden raised an eyebrow at her and turned in his seat. She had her eyes closed and didn't notice him until she realized that the car wasn't actually moving. The keys were rested on the dash and he made no move to even grab them. 

"Hey? Is that really all you have to say?" Brayden snapped. "You're fucking lucky that you never got detention today Addison. Twice? You fell asleep in class twice?"

Addy looked down at her lap. She knew her brother would be disappointed if he found out. He was still mad about last night, and Addy was lucky that he wasn't telling their mom about what was going on. The only reason she didn't know was because she had enough stress as it was working all the time.

"Ads, I love you, but you really have to smarten up," Brayden sighed. He turned forward and started the car. He was going to have to hurry if he wanted to make it to work on time. "Mom is working late again, and I've got a shift at work, too. Are you going to be okay at home?"

Addy nodded. She just planned on sleeping anyway. Her head leaned against the window as the high school went out of sight. The buses were leaving the parking lot, along with the few cars that were left in the parking lot. Brayden glanced over at her, "so, what's going on with you and Liam?"

Addy smiled for a second, but she didn't let her brother see it. He would have made fun of her for days. She like him, for the short time that they had known each other, and she was pretty sure that he felt the same way as well. They just clicked so well. "There isn't anything going on. We're friends."

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