Chapter Seventeen

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Liam could see the life come back to Scott's eyes. He was lowered to the ground as Scott stepped away from him. He almost stepped on Addy as he walked away. Scott started twitching in his layers of armour, the armour that soon started being pulled away from his body.

Liam wanted to watch. He wanted to see how things turned out, but all he could hear was Addy's ragged breathing. He bent down next to her. The damage was bad, and there wasn't anything he could do to help her. She was in pain, and it would take its time to heal. The wound on her leg was nothing but a dull throb. Every breath she took felt like another knife to the gut.

"Hey, hey, you're okay. You're going to be okay. Alright? You're going to be fine," Liam whispered. He wiped the stray hairs off of her sticky forehead. Her skin was still hot, but he didn't care at the moment. He didn't care that the blood would stain his hands as he put more pressure on her wound.

"Save Scott, okay? I-I'll be fine, Li. It just needs another minute to heal," Addy panted. He planted a kiss on her forehead and turned back towards Scott. The bone armour was off, and he was trying to pry off the animal skull on his head. It glowed as he tore it in half. Scott's werewolf form was on show, the red eyes glowing in the dim space.

It was a mix of a roar and a scream that Scott let out as he threw the broken skull to the ground. Addy groaned. It rang through her ears like a cymbal was being hit right beside her head. She stood up from her spot. It was painful, but she needed to get up. The faster she healed, the faster she could help the others. 

Liam, who was totally against the motion, helped her stay up. His strong arm was wrapped around her waist. Addy lifted her shaky hand and focused. The palm lit up again. She shrugged as she pressed the flame against the wound. It wasn't supposed to hurt. She wasn't supposed to feel the fire. But she did. Addy groaned as the wound cauterized. The quicker she healed...

"You." Scott glared at Peter. "The only one who knew as much as Argent about berserkers, about the Nagual. You taught Kate. You helped her. All for power."

"For my family's power. To be rightfully inherited by me, not usurped by some idiotic teenage boy so incorruptible, he won't shed the blood of his enemies, even when justified." Peter's voice got deeper and deeper as his wolf features started to show. "You don't deserve your power. Not power like this."

He roared. Malia roared back at him. Peter threw her across the room, and she landed painfully into some old table. Malia groaned as her back hit the solid with that much force. He was strong, practically as strong as an alpha. He was an alpha, and extremely strong and dangerous one at that. They didn't need a repeat of that. 

"Oh, sorry sweetheart. We'll talk about this later."

Kira stepped up, twirling her sword in hand. She was going to protect her friends; protect Scott. "Kira!" Scott yelled, stopping her from her attack. This was his battle, and he needed to fight it himself. He looked at Peter, who was pacing slightly.

"You were my beta first, Scott. It was my bite that changed your life. And my bite that can end it," Peter threatened. Addy clung onto Liam's shirt. She was worried for her friend. Liam squeezed his hand that rested on her hip. It was really the only thing keeping her from stepping in and killing Peter herself. Or falling to the ground.

"Then end it, Peter. Because you won't get another chance," Scott promised. He glanced over at Addy and Liam. If he didn't make it out of this, then they had each other to get through this. They would beat whatever was thrown at them because they had each other.

Peter roared, Scott following his lead. They charged at one another, claws extended and up in the air. Addy tucked her head into Liam's shoulder. She couldn't watch as they fought one another. Scott could do this. She believed in him, but she couldn't watch as he started losing.

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