Chapter Five

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Addison knew that the group of juniors she became friends with were keeping something from her. She knew that if they were keeping it from her, then it was probably for a good reason. That didn't make it any less reason for her to try and figure it out.

It had been a couple of weeks since the party. They had lacrosse practice every other day for the upcoming scrimmage. Addy had learned that Kira had made the team even though she never tried out. Apparently, she made quite the impact on Coach. It was her kitsune reflexes that made her good.

"Ryder!" Addy stopped in the middle of the hall and slowly turned around. She had just gotten out of math class, and was beyond happy of what she got on that project. Coach was standing in the door of his office and waved her towards him.

"Yes Coach?" Addy asked as she walked into the door. He sat down on his chair and looked up at nervous girl.

"Look, Ryder, you have lots of potential, just like your brother, but I can't keep you on the team if you're nearly failing most of your classes. Rules are rules."

Addy looked at him in shock, her mouth forming a little 'o' shape. She started stuttering over her words until she could finally make a coherent sentence. "No! I'll get my grades up, I will. Look what I got on my math!"

She stuck the booklet of paper into his face, a little too close for him to read. Up in the top right corner, right beside her name, was a little '84%' and a smiley face. She had never gotten that good on anything that had to do with math.

"If you don't have your grades up by the end of the month, I gotta kick you off the team. I have high hopes for you Addy, much more than some of these delinquents," he grumbled at the last part. Coach was the only teacher that actually liked Addy, even if he didn't teach her any classes.

"I will, I promise," she told him as she left the office.

"I'm hold you that against you, Ryder!" Coach yelled as she jogged down the hall. The bell had already rung and there were only a few students left in the hall. Still, Addy felt her cheeks flare in embarrassment.

As Addy walked to her lockers to get her books for next class, she saw a very pissed of Liam storm by. His friend, Mason, who she was introduced to a few days ago, was trailing behind him.

"Hey Liam." Addy smiled. He didn't seem to notice her as he walked by. Mason stopped next to her, and she raised her eyebrow for an explanation. Lately, it's been hard to get Liam away from her, but now he's doing the opposite.

"You know who you guys are playing against tonight, right?" Mason asked. He was out of breath slightly, probably from having trouble keeping up with Liam's fast pace.

"Yeah, Devenford Prep," Addy answered. She had made sure to ask her brother what they knew about that team and how good they were.

"It's Liam's old school."

"Shit." Addy forgot about her books as shoved everything in her locker. She ran down the hall, trying to catch up to Liam. If he got angry enough, he was going to wolf out, and no one needed to see that. The two caught up to him as soon as he exited the doors. The bus to the school had just parked, and several lacrosse players had already piled out.

"Liam, wait! No, no, no, no. Liam!" Addy called out. She knew it was too late the second one particular student walked off.

"Brett!" Liam shouted. He was breathing heavily, and his shoulders were tense.

"Ah, here we go," Mason muttered. Brett was a lot taller than Liam, but with his werewolf abilities, Liam could easily destroy him. Addy stood next to Liam. She grabbed his hand, expecting him to pull away only for him to interlock their fingers. If he were to lash out then she needed to be right there to stop him. 

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