Chapter Fourteen

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It had been a week since the deadpool had finished. Addy stayed over at Liam's house that night. He was so worried when she wasn't answering his texts or calls. She wasn't at her house when he checked either, and he knew she had went with Scott to help Brett.

He stayed at her side all night, and wouldn't let her go when she had to get up and use the bathroom. Addy figured it was more for him than it was for her. She could feel his heart beat when they were cuddled up on his bed. Liam was scared. He was scared of losing her. Addy never told him about him possibly being her anchor. It wasn't just something you could bring up in a conversation.

She talked to Brett once that week. They met up at the Beacon Hills Preserve, where no one could see them. They practiced her control, and she got frustrated when she couldn't do something right. They finally had enough, and after deciding that he would save his 'I owe you', they went home.

Liam being Liam made a big deal that he could smell Brett on her. She promised that he was only trying to help her learn control. She was learning control for him, and for everyone else she was close to. Liam pouted afterward. Addy giggled at him, and they shared quite the kiss that her brother almost walked into.

Addy, Brayden, and their mother actually had a formal meal together. She made a salad, and several other side dishes while Brayden cooked steak on their old, beaten-up barbecue that was used maybe ten times a year.

They talked about what was going on in life, how lacrosse was, and how proud their mom was that Addy finally started trying to get her grades up. She felt guilty about not telling them about how she was on a hit list, and worth over twenty million dollars. You couldn't exactly blurt that out during dinner.

Addy missed talking to her mom. She never really got to anymore since she was working all the time. Brayden had started taking a few more hours, not much, but he always seemed generally more tired. It did, however, make things easier for Addy since she didn't have to lie about where she was going all the time.

Except for right now.

"Brayden, puh-lease-uh," Addy dragged out the word.

"No, Addy. You're not staying over at his house." Brayden crossed his arms. He wasn't going to let his little sister stay over at Liam's house, especially since he learned that they'd become more than friends.




"You're not going."

"But Brayden. He gets these nightmares, and he doesn't want to worry his parents about them, and he feels better when I'm there." Addy pouted. It was true. Technically, Liam did get scared, but he wouldn't tell her why. He just said he feels safer when she's around.

"If he's getting really bad nightmares, he should tell his parents, not get you involved." Brayden walked into the kitchen, and looked in the fridge. He was done with that conversation because he wasn't going to let her go, and that was final.

"Please?" Addy pouted again. He always used to fall for the pout because he knew she could make herself cry right on the spot. He hated seeing his sister cry.

"I swear to god, if he makes one move on you, I am never even letting you talk to him again," Brayden warned. "I'm serious, Addison. You're too young." He only used her full name if he was extremely serious or angry. Addy did a little victory dance. She placed a kiss on her brother's cheek, and ran up the stairs.

Her small bag was already packed for the next day. She swiped it off the bed and ran down the stairs. "I'm serious, Ads!" Brayden shouted as she ran out the door. Liam's house wasn't far, but she was already very late. Just as Addy was about to knock on the door to Liam's house, it opened.

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