Chapter Thirteen

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Scott had brought them to an abandoned building. It looked like it was an old office place. Plastic sheets were everywhere, and dust covered everything in sight. The walls were white, making the place seem even duller.

Walls were smashed, and old tables broken. It looked like the place had taken some serious damage. Berserkers had been there. It was the night that Garrett had taken Liam and Addy. Kate and the berserkers had taken Violet, and she was the only one left to know where the freshman were. But Scott found them, even when Violet turned up dead.

Due to everyone's werewolf hearing, except for Kira and Addy, they heard someone enter the building. It was only one person, apparently. There was no way one person could take on that many werewolves, a kitsune, and whatever the hell Addy was. Brett stood in front of his alpha, his fangs out. Chris Argent was there, a gun pointed towards the werewolf. He wasn't going to shoot, not unless Brett attacked first.

"Wait! Wait! Brett! This is his place. It's his," Scott stopped him from attacking Argent. Brett reluctantly walked away, and the gun was lowered.

"Scott, if you're bringing guests, you could have called."

Addy turned her attention towards Brett. She had never really talked to him that much, aside from a couple times at the lacrosse game. He was a complete ass at the time, but he had a hatred for Liam. It was only expected from what Liam did at Devenford. But she needed help, and he could give it, at least she hoped.

"How did you learn to control it?" Addy asked. She wanted to know how to he learned to control his wolfing out. She wanted to know if she could just turn this thing on and off like they could.

Brett chuckled. "Control what?"

"It. Like, as in, your werewolf thing," Addy said. Her cheeks were flushed as he teased her a little bit. He had to learn somehow, even if he was born with it.

"I had help." Brett looked down at her. He was so much taller than she was, even with the extra inch on her boots. She was cute, he would give her that, and she seemed pretty chill, but there was something off about her, not necessarily a bad off. "Last time I checked, you weren't a werewolf."

"Last time I checked, I don't care. I need to know how the hell you do what you do," Addy snapped. There were several other werewolves in that room that would help her, she just picked him because she at least knew who he was. Everyone else was a stranger to her."Look, I just need help, and if we live through this, can you help me?"

"Fine, but you owe me one," Brett bargained. She had no idea what he would ask for, but it couldn't be too bad, right?

"Deal." She stuck her hand out for him to shake. Brett's hand was much bigger than hers. They missed out on the conversation beside them. It was going to be a long day of waiting and hoping – praying even. Addy wasn't much of a religious person, but she had a feeling that there would be a few werewolves praying to the big man.

Brett and Addy sat in the corner of the room where they were all gathered. Their legs were crossed as they faced each other. He would flash his golden eyes at her, and she would automatically flash them back. There was no stopping it. The progress would be slow, and Addy really hoped that he wouldn't give up on her.

"Focus, okay? You need focus on something, someone, anything," Brett told her. Addy was trying to get her eyes to glow and stop glowing at her will. It seemed impossible. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Picture something that will keep you calm."

She pictured Liam: holding hands with him, falling asleep next to him, kissing him. It was the first thing she thought of when she needed to focus on anything. He was just the first thing to pop into her head. He was her quiet place, the calm of everything that was going on. She opened her eyes, meeting Brett's golden ones. He grinned when her eyes had turned back to their brown color. "There you go."

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