Meeting of Commanders

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Aragorn called a meeting of the commanders that next day. Miril, overhearing Faramir talking to Prince Imrahil about it, decided she would go too.

"Oh no you aren't," Legolas shook his head.

Gimli agreed. "You, lass, are supposed to stay right here."

The two friends had come up in the city to visit Merry, Pippin, and herself. But Miril had absolutely no intention of missing the meeting.

"I am going, and you cannot stop me," Miril glared, pulling herself up and out of bed.

She wobbled only slightly and bit her lip in concentration. Legolas and Gimli looked at her skeptically but did not object again as she strapped Galmegil onto her belt.

"Are you sure it is wise," Faramir asked, trying to hide a soft smile.

Miril glared at him. "Do not try to stop me."

He threw his hands in the air. "I will not. But I wish I was there if only to see the look on Lord Aragorn's face when you come wobbling in."

Legolas smirked. "Actually, I would be more worried about what the Sons of Elrond will say."

Miril muttered something incoherent and walked forward a few steps. She balanced successfully and nodded. She could do this.

"Come, my friends. Let us go." She gestured to the door.

Imrahil, Legolas, and Gimli shook their heads but followed her. The Prince of Dol Amroth offered her his arm and, to the surprise of the two others, she accepted it. If that wasn't proof of how not well she was, then they didn't know what would be.

The streets of Minas Tirith were white and grey stone with stone buildings on either side. Children ran and played in the streets and women and men tended to business. But when Imrahil, Miril, Legolas, and Gimli passed by, all stopped and stared. Boys would point to the swords and weapons they bore while girls watched Miril in amazement, or fawned over Legolas.

It took about twenty five minutes of walking before they reached the broken gates of the city. Miril decided to walk behind the others until she was firmly within the meeting. Then Aragorn would have to allow her to stay. Or that's what she was banking on, anyway.

"Ah, there you are," Éomer nodded as they came over. "Aragorn and the Sons of Elrond are already inside. Let's go."

They ducked inside a large tent and found Aragorn crouching by a map that was laid out on the ground. The Twins stood looking down at it but glanced up when the others came in.

"Miril?!" Elladan groaned. "What in Elbereth's name are you doing here?"

Aragorn's head immediately shot up and he spotted Miril as she stumbled out from behind Imrahil and Legolas. She at least had the decency to downcast her eyes.

"Miril Lominzil," Aragorn sighed, putting his face in his hands. "What in the Valars' names are you doing out of bed?!"

"You called a meeting of the Commanders. Last I checked, when Halbarad died, I became your standard bearer." She pointed this out calmly. "Therefore I came as was my duty."

"And you three just agreed with this?" Aragorn turned on the others.

"Have you ever tried stopping this lass, Aragorn?" Gimli pointed out.

He shrugged and admitted the dwarf spoke truly. But he was not happy. Not in the least. Thus far, Elrohir had remained silent. He wanted to either scream or laugh, he wasn't quite sure which.

"Miril, I was going to appoint Calenglad as my standard bearer while you were injured," Aragorn told her, taking her aside.

The look on her face made him take a step back. "No."

"What?" He looked at her in surprise. She had never, or at least very rarely, contradicted him so forcefully and unwavering.

"I said no." She growled. "My father died for you and for me, Aragorn. It is my job to finish what he started. It is my job to protect you and I will do so even if it means giving of myself in the end."

Aragorn searched her face but at last he sighed. "Very well."

They returned to where the others stood conversing. They grew quiet when the two Rangers returned and awaited to hear what Aragorn had to say.

"Let's get to work." Gandalf said, seeing Aragorn had made up his mind about Miril. "There is much to discuss."

In the end, after at least a few hours of discussion, it was decided that Aragorn, Imrahil, and Éomer would lead many of each of their peoples towards Mordor and the Black Gate. They would distract Sauron to perhaps give the hobbits time to reach Mount Doom.

"For Sauron knows that the sword that destroyed him is here again," Aragorn looked at Miril. "And he knows our other secrets."

"What secrets might that be, Aragorn," Legolas asked. "Surely he hates you most."

Gandalf, the Twins, Aragorn, and Miril grew silent and shared a knowing look. The others shuffled in place and wondered what great secret was being kept from them.

"I am in command of my own destiny," Miril spoke to them in elvish. "I wish to share this with my friends."

Aragorn nodded. Gandalf nodded. Elladan nodded. Only Elrohir objected, but when he saw she had made up her mind, he shut up.

"I am a Ranger of the North," Miril told the others. "But I am Half-elven also, as you know."

"Indeed," Gimli agreed.

"Long ago, before the ages of the Sun and Moon, an elf was born by the name of Finwë. He was the father of the elves known as the Noldor. Great craftsmen they were. Finwë married another Noldor named Miriel Serindë. She bore a son named Fëanor, Spirit of Fire, but so powerful was he that she gave up the will to live upon his birth. Fëanor would grow up to be the most powerful elf to ever live. Other sons and daughters he had with Indis of the Vanyar, Findis, Fingolfin, Finarfin, and Irimë. Both sons bore many children who went to Middle Earth including Galadriel."

She looked around. Legolas knew this tale, she could tell. But it was wholly new to Imrahil, Éomer, and Gimli.

Miril continued, "Fëanor was such a powerful craftsman that he forged three great jewels known as the Silmarils, that captured the light of Valinor. But the first Dark Lord, Morgoth, desired them above all else. He slew Finwë, father of Fëanor, and stole the Silmarils. In response, Fëanor declared war on Morgoth and despite the decree forbidding it, he decided to pursue him to Middle Earth along with his seven sons: Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, and the twins Amrod and Amras. But in the process, they attacked and slaughtered their kindred elves, the Teleri, stealing their swan ships and sailing to Middle Earth."

She sighed, thinking of her dream, but continued on, "One of the Sons, Caranthir, met a great female leader of men in Middle Earth. Haleth was her name. I am the product of these two great beings."

Legolas stared at her in shock. Éomer, Gimli, and Imrahil still did not fully understand what she was implying.

"Sauron was the servant, the Lieutenant, of Morgoth. Fëanor and his sons were his greatest enemies. And now, he knows that the line of the Spirit of Fire yet lives. For I exist, last member of the line of Fëanor." She decided to leave out mentions of Maglor's existence. "Sauron will stop at nothing to see I am eradicated."

"Then even more truly should you not go to battle at the Black Gates," Legolas cried. "Sauron will hunt you down."

"Exactly," Miril nodded. "That is Exactly why I must go. If we need to draw him out, the combined bait of myself and Aragorn should be enough to distract him."

"If what you say I true, which I do not doubt," Imrahil nodded slowly, "then you are right. Leaving you behind at Minas Tirith threatens the safety of that city and our entire effort."

The tent grew silent in contemplation. Both sides spoke truly. If she went, the odds that she'd be a target were extremely high. That was either good, or bad, depending on the perspective. To Miril, it was of no consequence. She had to go. It was her duty as a follower of Aragorn Elessar. She owed him her allegiance and would not shy from all that meant.

"We leave in two days. Any who would go, be ready," Aragorn decided. "Miril, you will be my standard bearer."

The Other Ranger [ Lord Of The Rings x Silmarillion ]Where stories live. Discover now