Chapter Eighteen

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~Hayes's POV~

I looked down and gulped the lump in my throat. "I hate living with Nash, Cam,Taylor, Matt, Ethan, Grayson, and Rylee." I look down and sit on the floor. Dash got up and sat next to me and pulled me into a warm and loving hug. Dash and Maze are like the older sisters I never had. "Why, What's going on?" I sighed and pulled away from Dash. "When ever Rylee,Ethan, and Taylor make plans it's always something I can't do, and when It is, Grayson, Nash, Cam and Matt try to include me, then Rylee goes and says 'Well never mind then'." After I said that Dash got up and yanked me along with her.

~Dash's POV~

I got up and yanked Hayes along with me. We're going to Nash's house to discuss what's been happening. I bang on their front door furious. "Why are you banging on my fucking door?!" Rylee answers snapping at me. I push past her and let myself in. "I didn't say you can come into my house!" She screams at me. I turn around quickly and get in her face. "You want to say it to me mother fucking face?!" I scream back, and that's when all the boys run to the living room and I'm ripped away from Rylee by Grayson. "The fuck you screaming for?" Grayson asks, not rudely but sternly. "Apparently, when little miss Rylee here makes plans with Y'all she makes sure to exclude Hayes, but when y'all try to include him on the things he can do, she cancels. The fuck is that about, HUH?!" I yell mostly towards Rylee.

Hayes is standing by Nash, Cam, and Matt. Hayes and Nash are extremely close and Hayes is hugging Nash right now. Grayson is still holding me back, I have no idea why, I'm not even moving. "None of us like him, so why would we?" Rylee scoffs, damn, Rylee has changed. Grayson went to turn around with a shocked expression, and I took this as an opportunity and pounced on her. I was on top of her punching clawing, and kicking repeatedly. "TALK YOUR SHIT BITCH, YOU GON' GET HIT!" I screamed as their door swung open, It was Johnson, Jc, and Nate.

"DASHLEN, GET OFF OF HER!" Nate yelled at me, but I wasn't budging. I felt strong arms around my waist, Nate. He yanked me off and held me back, while no one held Rylee back, like what the fuck? Rylee came running up to me and I punched her dead in the jaw, and she fell on her ass. "Tell them what fucking happened Taylor, or I swear to god!" I yelled at him. Taylor explained everything, and Nash, Cam, Matt, Grayson, and Hayes stayed at our house that night.

~1 Month Later~

Today was October 30th, and Nate, Sammy, Johnson, Gilinsky, and Jc were setting up the house we bought. Yes we bought a new one. One to fit all of us, Oh and Ethan dumped Rylee, he finally realized she wasn't good for him. The girls and I, meaning the boy's girlfriend for the ones who have them, Yaz is finally dating Hayes, we all love her so much. "What are Y'all going to be?" Yaz asked us. "I'm going as Johnsons fantasy." I winked and they all ooo'd. "I'm going as a stripper." Maze said. "ZAYUMMMMM, YOU GOT A BAE,*clicks tongue* OR NAHHH" I yell and we all laugh. All the other girls are going to be something sexy, cause why not? We finally made it to 'The Spirit of Halloween' and we went our separate ways to get what we needed. We all met up and checked out. That awkward moment the cashier is a male, and your age.

"Damn, I hope you guys trick-or-treat in my neighborhood." Perfect timing, Sammy, and Sam walked in and up to us. "You hope they what now?" Sam asks, now I know Sam is short, but he beefed up. Same with all the others, Weight lifting game on fleek. "I said I hope they come trick-" "Yeah, I heard, Look kid, They all have boyfriends, and two are engaged. Second, really? trick-or-treat? They're all out of your league, so can you just run their shit up so we can pay and leave?" Sammy says cutting him off, we were all laughing our asses off. The cashier ran our stuff up and Sam paid before I could. "I hate you Pottorff." He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. No we don't have a thing, he's like my twin brother. Like seriously, we look so much a like, oh well.

"We're all set up,The others went to go get a shit load of candy, food, and soda." Sammy said filling us in. We all nodded and replied with 'Okays'. As we got in our car, the cashier got into his. On our way home, I noticed the guy was following us? Sammy was driving and I was in the passenger seat. "Sammy, the cashier is following us?" He looked in the rear-view mirror and took a sharp right turn, then a left. I knew where we were headed, Nates studio. "Nate and the jacks should be there, We finished an hour ago, and decided to do some recording." Sam says and I nodded.

We pulled up into Sammy's reserved spot and ran inside. The cashier dude did the same, but walked slower. We ran up to security and told them about the cashier, just as he shows up. Security escorts him out and calls the police. Nate, Jack and Jack walk out of the elevator, and we once again, head home.

~At Home~

We were setting out the food, drinks, and setting up the music. "Girls, go get dressed, we can finish this." Connor says. "Kay, thanks Connor." Maze says and we all rush up to our rooms and get dressed. I picked out a school-girl outfit. The kids are all at their Uncle Tommy's house for the night. I put on my top, and skirt, thigh high socks, and high top converse. I grabbed a back-pack and put it on, It was all part of the costume. I also put on a lace choker, and my glasses, I also threw on my supernatural bracelet. Maze came in just in time to do my hair, and make-up. All she had to do was straighten my hair. She finished and people were now showing up, so we all started down the stairs and into the back yard.

'Get Ugly' by Jason Derulo was playing as our boyfriends caught sight of us. Jaws dropped and eyes widened. "Goal, achieved." Maze said and we all smirked. We made our way to the dance floor, strutting our curves of course. We also had a karaoke machine set up too, but now we dance. I started grinding on Maze, no it's not weird. Maze and I are bi, have had crushes on each other, Yeah yeah Incest, I know. But I don't care. 'Get Ugly' ended so Maze and I ran to the stage and did karaoke to 'Uptown Funk' Maze and I have a routine for this song, everyone was clapping to the beat and dancing.

The ended, then Cat daddy came on and a dance battle happened. Guy VS Girls, of course. I ran to the middle, as well as Nate. "Damn it!" He screeched which caused me to laugh, but then I began to cat daddy. This is why I went with converse instead of heels. I went back to my side and so did Nate. It was Carter VS Lia. this went on for the rest of the song, and we tied. We all went to our boyfriends and got some soda, and food. Some, including all of us Vined our party, I may have vined me and Johnson dancing, well me grinding on him. Sorry not sorry. "You're such a naughty school girl." Johnson said as he bit his lip. I winked at him then walked away, well more like strutted away.

Johnson and I have been trying to get intimate, but having a 2, almost 3 year old kind of gets in the way of that. So tonight I'm taking advantage of it. 'Shots' came on and a dance circled formed around me as I began to do the shuffle. (Watch any YouTube video of a female shuffling.) Sam, Sammy, and Jc joined me, I never knew they knew how to shuffle. I started shuffling more hardcore because I was getting into it.


Everyone went home and now we were in the home theater we have finishing off the snacks and soda we bought, while watching scary movies.I had received a DM on Twitter from Kyra. It said 'Hey Dash, I'm sorry If I'm interrupting your fun right now, I just need to talk to someone, Shit is going on right now' I replied right away. 'Hey sweet heart, You're not interrupting anything, we're just watching movies. Anyway, tell me what's up, and I also sent you a surprise in the mail. <3' We talked until 2 AM until she had felt better, we said our love you's good byes, and good nights.

When I walked into Johnson and I's room, I saw something I wasn't expecting at all.

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