Date Disaster

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Dan and I decide to start heading home.
"Phil do you wanna go home and cuddle and watch anime"

"You read my mind"

Dan smiles at me sweetly. We walk out of the coffee shop. Dan holds my hand as we walk down the street. It was about 5:37 in the afternoon so the sun was setting. Dan took me down a street I have never been down.

"Daniel where are we going"

"I have a change of plans of where we are going"

"Um alright"

Dan notices the nervousness in my voice.

"Don't worry it will be fun" He says with a smile on his face.

"OK if you say so"

We walk in silence not a awkward silence just a comfortable silence. We arrive at this cute park around a lake. There are lots of trees, a concrete path that goes around the path and a wooden bridge across the middle.

"I thought it would pretty here while the sun was setting" Dan says shyly

"Its perfect" I smile at him. We walk towards the path and start to walk around the lake. Nobody else was there luckily. We walk onto the middle of the bridge. We lean over the edge and look at the water and the sky. This was the most perfect moment I was with the love of my life at this beautiful place just the two of us.
The sun finally set.

"Kitten let's start heading home" Dan says breaking the silence.

"I don't want to" I slightly whined.

"We have to its dark now.


We start to walk home. Dan and I were walking down the street about 5 minutes away from the apartment. We were holding hands just talking and laughing when I hear the last thing I wanted to in this moment.

"Oh look guys its to fags walking around at night. How cute" I hear a voice say from behind me. Dan and I turn around. 3 men stand behind us. They were about Dan and I's height but more muscular. I recognised them from somewhere. Oh no... These guys are my highschool bullies.

"Get up fag" he yelled at me. I struggle to stand and they kick me down again.

"Haha loser can't even fight back"

"Are you gonna kill yourself like your friend did"

"No he was probably your boyfriend"

"Your discusting"

They picked me up and threw me against the locker one of there hands around me neck. All I could do was try to struggle out of their grip but it was no use. Maybe they are right I am discusting.

End of flashback

"Dan we need to leave now" I say quietly.

"Oh leaving so early" one of them said. I remember his name is Jason is the worst of all 3 of them.

"Oh come on we just wanna have some fun" another one said his name was Derrick

"Wait guys isn't this that kid we beat up in highschool" the last one said his name was Zack.

"Oh it is isn't it. Oh and this must be his little boyfriend" Jason said.

"How cute two little discusting fags" Zack said with a smirk on his face.

-Dan POV-

These guys are bad news. Poor Phil we need to get out of here.

"Leave Phil alone we dont want any trouble" I say proudly.

"Awwww philly willy is your cute boyfriend trying to protect you because you can't protect yourself you worthless piece of crap" one of them said smuggle and shoved Phil. I shoved the guy back.

"Don't touch him"


"Awwww philly whilly is your cute boyfriend trying to protect you because you cant protect yourself you worthless piece of crap" Zack said as he shoved me. He is right I really am arnt I.
Dan shoved Zack back. I was shocked these guys were bigger than us.

"Don't touch him" Dan says.

"Dan dont..." It was to late Zack had already punched him in the face. Dan fell onto the concrete. Derrick grabs me and tried to choke me. I kneed him in a place that shouldn't be hit. Dan got back on his feet. He punched Zack back. Jason grabbed him. I punched Jason.

"DAN RUN!!!" I yelled. Be both ran towards our apartment. We took a few weird turns so we would loose them. Dan unlocked the door. We both just stood in the doorway panting. We walked inside and shut and locked the door. Dan had a black eye and a busted lip.

"Oh Phil are you okay" he says worriedly.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" He nods gently. He grabs his head.

"Kinda I have a headache"

"Come to the kitchen let me get you cleaned up"

Dan walks to the kitchen and hops up onto the counter. I grab some pain killers, a ice pack and a wet clothe.

"Alright Dan take these to get rid of your headache" I hand Dan the pills. He swallows them.

"Alright you have a black eye so hold the ice pack to your eye and let me clean up your bloody lip" I gently dab his lip.

"PHIL! You have red strangle marks on your neck" Dan says reaching his hand out to touch my neck.

"Its fine let me clean you up first" I finish his lip.

"Dan you didn't have protect me like that"

"Yes I did"

"No you didn't you got more hurt then I did. I feel so bad your hurt over me"

He smiles at me "you don't get it do you"

"Get what?" I say confused.

"Phil I love you I'd take a bullet for you in a heartbeat"

"I would do the same"

"I love you my kitten"

"I love you too Dan"

I hope you enjoy this is a pretty long chapter. I like the way it turned out.

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