The Battle

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Aaron's pov

I woke up while Skylar was snoring lightly next to me which sure made me laugh a bit. She then turned around to me and opened her eyes. I smiled at how beautiful she was and she was all mine.

"Good morning Mr.Alpha" She smiled at the nickname he had given me. I chuckled a bit.

"Good morning Skylar, you know I'm going to start calling you my Luna soon" I smirked. Soon after the battle or he next day I was going to mark her as mine, completely. She then giggled a bit and nodded. "Well I'm going to take a shower" she said and walked away into the restroom.

Soon she got out and I went in to take a shower. When we were both ready we went downstairs but I carried Skylar bridal style. She laughed a bit then when we reached downstairs. Cody and Anna were there, Anna was the first to look at us then smacked Cody on the arm.

"Ow women! What was that for?!" Cody asked. "You never carry me like that!" Anna yelled while Skylar laughed a little. "Ok ok sorry I'll carry you like that from now on" Cody said then walked outside.

Noah then walked in "Alpha!" I quickly turned to Noah "Yes Noah?" I asked. "Sophie went to my room and drew all over, everyone loves Sophie" Noah growled Sophie walked in laughing "Oh calm down Noah it's just a little fun" She said amused. Noah growled and pushed Sophie back outside.

"Guys we don't need to fight!" Skylar said but they were already outside. "Well this should be interesting" Anna said walking out. Noah growled and shifted into his dark gray wolf. I growled at both of them. Sophie shifted into her black wolf, she had white paws and a white tip tail. She snarled ready for Noah.

Noah came charging at her he nocked her down and snarled into her face. Skylar sighed and watched, Noah then bit Sophie's ear making it bleed. Sophie howled in pain then snapped back to Noah an bit his shoulder he growled. But then took her paw and bite it. Hard enough to make it bleed, "Enough Noah!" I growled at him he turned at me his eyes black. His wolf was taking full control. A sandy chocolate wolf then came and snarled.


Spencer snarled and nocked Noah down. He bit Noah on the muzzle making it bleed. I growled at all of the fighting and shifted into my black wolf. "Enough! Spencer get off now!" Spencer growled but got off of Noah. Noah got up, and growled quietly "Shut up!" I told him he whimpered and bowed his head.

"Now Sophie don't you even think about going into Noah's room!" I said Sophie bowed her head. I then looked to Spencer "I know your mad at Noah but fighting wont help today it the battle" I reminded him he sat down and nodded his big wolf head. I sighed and we all shifted back behind a tree and got dressed.Spencer and Sophie were already dressed, Spencer kissed Sophie. I smiled at how strong there bond was.

I decided to call a meeting "Members of The Silver Moon Pack, today is the battle" I said loud and clear "We wouldn't have a stupid battle if it weren't for Alexis" Luke called out I nodded "Hush Luke" I told him calmly.

"We will be battling at a open field, Seth already know" I told everyone then saw Alexis "If your not out of our territory right after the battle then we will not hesitate in killing you" I told her she nodded.

"From now on to the battle everyone will be resting" I said they all nodded "Dismissed" I then walked away. I decided to spend time with Skylar. "Hey Skylar I'm going to take a quick run" I smiled "I'll go with you" she said smiling "No it's ok" I said and saw a flash of hurt in her eyes. I kissed her then went off to find a nice spot to have a small picnic. "She going to love this" my wolf said.

I had gotten some grapes,strawberries, raspberries. And just everything, I made some sandwiches and cut them up to two. I then got some strawberries and dipped them in chocolate. I found a perfect spot, I then howled. That was the howl I used to call Skylar. I then saw a flash of white, "It's her" My wolf purred I then went over and nipped her on her back. She yelped and then purred and walked over and licked my muzzle. She nuzzled me on the side, I purred so much at her touch. It always turned me on, we shifted back and got dressed.

I leaded her to the small picnic. She then gasped "Oh Aaron" she said smiling and kissed me. "Come on let's sit and eat" I said smiling we went and sat down.

"Aaron?" She said "Yes my angel?" She smiled at how I told her my angel. "What if you....die today?" She asked starting to tear up "hey hey shhhh it's ok I'm not going to die or leave" I told her as a got her and wrapped my arms around her. "I couldn't live without you Aaron" She said "And I couldn't live without you my angel" I told her "Now close you eyes" I said she closed her eyes "Open your mouth" I said she did and I put a strawberry in her mouth. She opened her eyes "Pretty good" She smiled.

After our picnic it was almost time for the battle. We headed back home, "everyone get prepared" I said loudly. I turned to Skylar "No matter what happens I love you my angel" I told her and kissed her forehead se looked at me and nodded.

"Ok I love you Aaron" she said hugged her and said "I love you too Skylar" I said Cody and Anna hugging, So was Spencer ad Sophie. Jennifer kissed Luke, they were now mates. Then Noah sighed so did Amber. They haven't found there mates yet.

"Let's go" I said taking Skylar by her and we walked to the open field. We prepared ourselves we didn't shift yet though. Soon enough Seth's pack came, I couldn't help but growl. As always the alphas met in he middle. I walked to the middle.

"Well hello again Aaron" Seth said smoothly. I nodded my head to him "Hello Seth, I'm sure you know why we are here" I said he nodded "Yes because of Blake's and Alexis relationship" he told him I nodded. "Then let the battle begin" I growled and walked back to my pack.

I saw my pack a bit nervous. "Don't be nervous guys its ok" I saw my poor Skylar trembling in fear. I walked over to her "Hey angel it's ok just fight" I said she looked at me and nodded.

I tuned around to find Seth's pack already shifted and snarling. "Shift" I said clearly as soon as I said that try all smirked and shifted. Skylar shifted into her beautiful pure white wolf. Noah,Spencer, and Luke snarled, I growled loudly. Letting out a menacing growl, I started to run after Seth. In a spit second both packs collided.

I was battling Seth, I hade bitten him deeply on the ear and shoulder. He snarled and bit my ear causing it to bleed. I snapped my canines on his muzzle he tried to move away but I nocked him down. While I was battling him Skylar was losing to a gray male wolf. Amber then went to help her, Spencer and Sophie were fighting a brown haired wolf and a gray wolf.

Noah was fighting a white wolf while Jennifer and Luke were fighting side by side. Alexis was fighting some huge black wolf with white on his muzzle. The male growled and took Alexis neck in his jaws.

A brown chocolate haired wolf came charging at the black wolf nocking him down. It was Blake, he growled at the black wolf and got his neck in his jaws and snapped his neck. The black wolf howled in pain then fell limp. Suddenly Seth nocked me over off guard, he got my neck as I struggled free. I saw a flash of white,


It was my angel she snarled an leaped on top of Seth, sinking her claws into his shoulder I had bitten on. Seth howled in pain and shook Skylar off. He then got on her and bit her muzzle and stomach as blood came out I snarled and pushed him off my mate, she was laying down with blood coming out. I was furious I got Seth's neck and snarled and with a quick snap, he was dead.

I dropped him on the ground. His pack retreated soon, I didn't see Alexis anywhere. But I really didn't care, I came over to Skylar and shifted back putting on my clothes so did he rest of the pack.

"Skylar" I whispered her name she looked at me "Aaron" she said smiling "ok we are going to get you to the pack doctor baby now stay with me and keep your eyes open" she looked at me then closed her eyes.

No! This cant be happening! "Get her to e pack doctor! Now!" I snarled at Cody he nodded and picked Skylar up and ran to the pack house.

I ran close to them, please let her be alive. I said starting to cry..


Hey guys sorry for he wait. Sorry for mistakes I'm sleepy. Well goodnight!:)

I hope u like it!!!!:)






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