Saving Skylar

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Skylars pov

I woke up on a silver metal table, darkness was all that I could see.My ankles and wrists were strapped down. I tried to struggle free, I heard a low chuckle. "Who's there?!" I asked. Then a light switched on, and I saw a brown haired guy.

"Hello Skylar," he grinned "I'm Blake, mate of Alexis" he smiled. I glared at him, "Why did you capture me?" I asked then a heard a familiar laugh. Then I saw her, the freaking mutt, Alexis, "Hi Skylar" she smirked. "Why do you want me?" I asked her. "To make Aaron feel what it's like to not have your mate" she hissed through her teeth.

Blake chuckled and hugged Alexis from behind. Blake had a small knife, he handed it to Alexis. "Would you like to do the honors?" He smirked she nodded and got the knife. She held it to my lips. "Now were do I start?" She said as I let out a small whimper.

She moved the knife to my cheek and cu it slowly. She made a mark there and on my other cheek. "Stop now!" I yelled. She shook her head no and went to my lips. She made a small cut but enough for it to bleed. I licked the blood away as I tasted the bitter taste, she then continued down to my neck. She cut my neck a little as blood trickled down my neck. She drew the knife to my stomach and made a deep cut that made me scream.

It's like my screams were joy to her ears. She did the same to my legs, she then snickered and left with Blake. I looked around and yelled for help but of course no one was there. Then again darkness was all I saw, I fell asleep.


Aaron's pov

I snarled at the note, I took it downstairs with me. The pack was all inside the house,eating. "Hey! Listen up!" I said my alpha voice booming in the house. They all stopped talking and snapped there attention to me. "Skylar has been taken by Alexis" I growled the pack gasped. "That stupid mutt!" Noah snarled. Amber patted Noah's back to calm him. Noah always acted as he was Ambers big brother.

I continued to talk, "We are going to sniff out our territory and see if we catch Alexis's scent or Skylars." I said they all nodded at once. "Let's go!" I said walking out, Cody and Anna were behind me, right with the rest of the pack. "Yeah! Lets go! We get to kill a mutt" snickered some of the boys. I couldn't help but laugh. But my wolf snarled "We need to find Skylar!" He told me I sighed "I know" I told him.

We all shifted. Cody was on my right while Anna was on my left side. My strong and powerful pack was behind me. Some wolves snarled and growled, we then stopped running and sniffed every tree and spot. Cody,Kate,Amber,Noah, and Sophie were in a group looking around.

Anna had another group with Vincent,Spencer, and Jennifer. I had Lauryn and Lucas with me. Lucas snarled while sniffing a spot "It's the mutts scent" he said through mind link. I huffed and went over to the spot he was sniffing at and took a whiff. It was Alexis's scent but I could also smell Skylars scent mixed into hers.

"Shift back!" I told everyone through mind link, we all shifted back into our human forms and got dressed. I moved all of the dirt and rocks, and found a square shaped area. It had a hook to open up I opened it up and saw it led more down under.

"Let's go" I told everyone. We all went down under. A couple of lights were turned on, then we heard a low growl. We turned and saw a brown wolf, it was Blake. "That's Blake, Alexis's mate" I snarled I turned to Noah and saw him ready to shift and kill. I nodded at Noah and he smirked. "You gonna wish you weren't born" he chuckled and shifted into his dark gray wolf in mid air.

Noah snarled and attacked Blake but Blake moved away swiftly. Noah turned around and Blake attacked him but Noah pushed him off with his hind legs. Noah then leaped on Blake sinking his teeth into Blake's shoulder. We left them knowing surely that Noah would kill Blake soon enough.

"Lets go guys" I told everyone Amber looked a bit hesitant but she walked with us. Skylars scent got strong, we walked into a dark room, I saw a switch and turned it on. Laying there was my beautiful mate.

She laid there her ankles and wrists strapped down.

"Guys?" She asked looking at everyone then locked her gaze to me, "Aaron" she smiled.

"Skylar" I breathed her name.

I went over to her and unstrapped her, she got up and hugged me. Then she went over and hugged everyone. She then came to me, "Oh I missed you Aaron" she whispered. "I have failed you Skylar, I didn't protect you like I would." I told her "Yeah you didn't!" My wolf snarled still angry with me. Skylars gaze softened "Aaron it's ok" she said.

I sighed and kissed her. She smiled then we all gasped as fell to the ground crying out in pain. Oh god no! That usually meant a pack member has died.


Amber cried out and ran to were we left Noah. All of us followed, we found Noah in Blake's jaws. Noah wasn't moving at all. Blood was smeared all over Blake. Ambers gaze turned to soft to full of hate. Noah was dead and Amber was mad. "You will die!" Amber hissed. She shifted into her wolf and attacked Blake, she sunk her front claws into his shoulders. She sunk her hind claws into his stomach, while Blake howled in pain.

She took Blake into her jaws and sunk her large canines into his neck. Soon enough Blake fell limp. Amber went to a room and shifted back and got dressed. She came back and Noah had shifted back while he had died. Amber covered Noah up. She fell to her knees and started crying over Noah's body. We all felt sadness fill us up, poor Amber didn't have her brother like Noah.

Amber finished crying and soon enough the stupid mutt appeared. I growled "This is you fault! If you hadn't fall in love with a stupid wolf this wouldn't have happened and I still don't know why you captured Skylar!" I snarled while my pack was close to shifting and attacking Alexis.

Amber snarled at Alexis getting into her face, "You killed Blake!" Alexis yelled. "And Blake killed Noah!" Amber yelled back, Alexis glared at amber and pushed her. "Hey watch it!" I snarled. Alexis glared at me. "This is between you and me, mutt" I said. Alexis snapped her attention to me again and glared at me with hate as I added the word 'mutt' into my sentence.

Amber stepped away, Luke came over and picked up Noah. "We are going to settle this once and for all!" I yelled. Skylar looked at me, I kissed her forehead and shifted into my black wolf. Skylar kissed my wolf forehead "I love you Aaron" she smiled and stepped away. Alexis shifted into her sandy brown wolf. She snarled showing her teeth. I charged after he and leaped on top of her, growling.

I flung her to a wall as she whimpered to get up. I went and bit down hard on her hind leg. She howled in pain and turned on me and sunk her claws into my muzzle making me bleed. I snarled at the pain, I then bit her on her shoulder. She took a step back I stepped forward to her and snarled. I then jumped on her and got my canines around her neck and with a twist I snapped her neck. She whimpered before falling limp and died.

I tasted the blood in my mouth not liking the taste of it. I shifted back telling everyone to look away. Luke was still carrying Noah. Amber didn't look happy at all her eyes were dull. I sighed and got Skylar in my arms.

We climbed back out of the dungeon. I looked at everyone, Cody was with Anna holding hands like all the other mates except Amber. She needs to find her mate soon, I thought to myself.

I looked around again and said "Let's go home" I told everyone. Once we got home we held a funeral for our strong Noah. Amber cried so much, after the funeral she locked herself in her room. Everyone went to sleep.

Skylar laid down with me as I held her close to me.

"Goodnight my love" I told her

"Goodnight Mr.Alpha" she giggled and kissed me goodnight.


Hoped you liked it guys (:






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