Chapter One

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I laced my brown hiking boots up and stood. I then wrapped my red cloak and hood around me, placing the hood on.

Retrieving my basket filled with rolls, I set out into the woods.

The name was Red by the way. Actually, my name was Scarlett, but everyone called me Red because of my cloak. I owned a little bakery in the village, which of course was where I was heading.

As I walked into the woods, trees towered over me. It was eerily silent. But it was six in the morning, what sound would there be? I began to sing to calm myself because if I didn't calm down I'd run out of these woods and lock myself in my cottage.

After I sang my way through the woods, I was almost out. But I suddenly heard a rustling in the trees. I stopped. My heart raced.

I had never encountered a wild animal but I'd heard of wolves in the woods. I heard it everyday in the village:

A delicate lady like you shouldn't be walking alone in the woods. Especially with wolves on the prowl.

Ugh, I hated hearing that. Just because I looked fragile didn't mean I couldn't fight.

The rustling sounded again before a deep, husky voice said,

"My dear Red, what a beautiful voice you have."

I whirled around, the voice behind me; It was a wolf. He had dark gray fur and gray-silver eyes that seemed to stare straight through me.

"Y-You talk?" I stammered, pressing my basket close to my body.

"Of course my dear," He chided, his ears flicking. "Have any of you Hoods any brains?"

He suddenly transformed into a human. A very handsome human. He had black hair like I did, but gray and white streaked through. His eyes were the same steely gray as before. He was draped in all black, a usual for wolves since they blended into the night. Why he was out this early in the morning was beyond me.

"We transform between human and wolf, sweetie." His voice was smooth and deep, captivating me in a lulling trance that I didn't want to find myself deep into.

"Don't call me sweetie," I hissed.

"Ooh, feisty huh, Red?"

"How'd you know my name?"

"I merely guessed. Your hood," He explained in his deep voice.

"Oh. Well, wolf, I must be going," I said. "I might not have "brains" like you said but I know Hoods and Wolves are rivals. Good day now."

I turned and continued walking. But the wolf appeared in front of me.

"Running from a wolf?" He chuckled. "What's in your basket Red?"

"It's for my-"

"-my little sick granny in the woods?"

"No! My bakery," I spat. Besides, I was exiting the woods.

"Oh, I just assumed they were for your granny like they all are," He replied.

"Well, I'm not like everybody."

"I can see." He winked. My heart fluttered, my brain mentally vomited.

"Excuse me, Mr. Wolf, but I must be going now."

I moved past him, but he stopped me again.

"Call me Wolvric sweetheart."

"Well, Wolvric, move." I pushed past him and continued my stride.

"Feisty little Hood, aren't you?" He purred.

I didn't respond, I just continued walking.


I unlocked the door to my bakery and changed the sign to "Open".

My first customer of the morning, right on time at seven thirty, is Ian, the son of our leader.

"Morning my dear," He purred, taking my hand and kissing it, as he did every time he blessed me with his presence.

"Usual Ian?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Why don't you call me pet names Scarlett? We'll be married in a few months."

"Because I don't care for marriage right now Ian," I replied coldly, handing him his plum cake.

"Darling, you're twenty one. And I love you." He took my chin in his forefinger and kissed my lips lightly.

I pulled away forcefully.
"Have you forgotten that I've been forced into this marriage since I was twelve years old?" I glared at him.

"You will learn to love me Scarlett."

"The name's Red."

"Yes sweetie," He said, completely ignoring me as he chewed his cake.

"What was that you said about pet names? We'll I have one for you sweetie."

"Whisper it to me." He leaned over to me and I whispered,

"Don't ever call me sweetie again, you arrogant asshole."
He narrowed his eyes at me and stood up abruptly.

"I'll see you later my dear."
He walked out the door, and I smiled devilishly. Take that Ian.

"Red!" Someone called out, running into my shop. "Didja hear?!"

My friend Valerie was wide eyed as she sat in front if me. Her blonde locks were swirling her red cheeks.

"What's up Val?" I asked.

"A dance is being held in the courtyard tomorrow night! Ian is throwing it!" She squealed.

I rolled my eyes. Ooh, a dance. Another reason to dress up in ugly dresses and layer on tons of makeup just to dance with undeserving guys.

"Fun. I'm not going," I said plainly.

"Aw, c'mon Red," Valerie whined. "It'll be fun. Plus you can dance with your fiance."

"Yah, that totally makes me wanna go."

"Red." Valerie narrowed her violet eyes at me.


"No." Another customer walked through my door, and I served him.



She sighed. "I guess I'll have to resort to drastic measures."

Oh no.

She took a deep breath and screamed, "PLEASE RED-"

"Shh! Alright I'll go!"

Why was she so good at blackmailing? Or am I just a push over?

This is going to be fun.

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