Chapter Seven

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I woke up to something tickling my nose. My eyes shot open, and I saw Ian tickling my nose.

"Morning," He whispered.

I smiled and whispered back, "Good morning as well."

Ian suddenly scooped me up and kissed me, spinning around. I cried out, surprised.

"Ian!" I laughed.

He stopped spinning and just stood. He leaned over and kissed me again, this time longer.

I cupped his face, my fingers running up and through his hair.

After a while of just standing there kissing, Ian sat me down, and I started getting ready for work.

"Here," Ian whispered in my ear. He zipped the back of my blouse up.

"I could've gotten that," I stammered, blushing.

"You were struggling," He chuckled, planting a soft kiss on my jaw.

Rolling my eyes, I threw my cloak on, and Ian handed me my basket.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep. Let's go."

I stepped out of the house and, as usual, Ian wrapped his arm around my waist.

My boots thumped softly on the ground as we walked in silence. I began to chew my lip.

"Red, are you alright?" Ian asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah, of course!" I said.

My eyes darted to a shadow in the trees. Then I saw the familiar grey eyes.


I hid my face with my hood and sped my pace.

"Red, why are you walking so fast?" Ian asked.

"No reason," I spat out quickly.

"Well slow down, my dear." Ian picked up my stride and grabbed my arm.

"Can't, I'll be late."

I pulled my arm away and kept my fast pace.

"Oooookay then." Ian was basically running to keep up with me by the time we made it to the bakery.

" that...again," Ian said while panting.

"Sorry. Want some water?" I asked, pushing the doors open.

"Sounds...great!" He huffed.

I fixed him a glass of water and handed it to him. In one gulp, he downed it.


"You're welcome." I kissed his cheek. As I turned to leave, Ian suddenly spun me back around and kissed my lips.

"I love it when you aren't running from me," He whispered against my lips.

Nipping my bottom lip, he said, "I love you."

I buried my face in his chest and said,


Did I love Ian? I mean, for the last ten years he had been a real snobby jerk. But he seemed different...

"I...need to bake some more cookies."

I released him and turned back to my kitchen.

My friends came in around closing hours.

"Red!" Valerie cried happily.
Why was she always happy?!

"Hello Val."

"Guess what!"

"What?" Ian asked, leaning his elbows against the counter.

"I finally asked Adam out!"

Oh wow.

"Yah!" I said sarcastically, hiding it though.

"I know!" She squealed.

Jack rolled his eyes and said, "You'd go out with him but not me?"

"Too young for me Jackie." She ruffled his hair.

"Um, by two years." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "But I'm happy for you."

"I'm dying. No more lovey lovey talk." Anthony gagged.

"Why not?" Ian asked, his hand gliding over my back before he pulled me over.

"Because Ian."

Ian smirked at him and kissed my cheek.

Anthony rolled his eyes in the back of his head.

"Are you depressed?" I asked sweetly.

I cupped his chin and pulled his face toward mine, kissing his cheek.

"Way to make me feel better Red." He smirked.

I poked his nose and smiled.
"You're welcome."

I cleaned up the bakery and closed early.

"Bye Red," The three said.

"I can't walk you home my dear. I have a meeting I need to go to," Ian said. "But I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok Ian."

I walked through the woods alone.

"Evening Hood."

"Evening Wolvric." I smiled.

"Let's play a game," He said.


"We each ask each other a question and we must answer truthfully," Wolvric explained. "I'm first. Ok, is your name really Red?"

"No, it's Scarlett. Scarlett Wilsons," I answered.

"You have a really pretty name."

I blushed. "Thank you."

"Alright, you go."

"What's your full name?"

"It's just Wolvric. Us wolves don't have last or middle names."

"Oh, I didn't know that." I chewed my lip.

"Alright, I already know your, do you have any siblings?" Wolvric asked.

"No, only child." I looked up at him and asked, "You?"

"I have a little sister named Windy. She's sixteen."

"I bet you guys are close," I stated.

"Yeah, we are." Wolvric smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back. His smile was like a drug, and I was addicted to it.

"My turn. So, how did you become betrothed to Ian?"

I thought for a moment.

"Well, when we were little, Ian actually was very sweet and charming. He was part of our little group.

But one day, his dad took a liking to me and asked my parents if when I turned twenty one if I could marry Ian. My dad went along with it," I closed my eyes, trying to recall the memory. "my mom didn't want me to.

She wanted me to marry someone for love. After that, Ian became a bit snobby. He would stop bringing me daffodils like he usually did. He would say stuff like, "When you're my wife, you'll cook and clean for me" or something like that."

"Oh. But do you love him?"

I looked up at Wolvric and stared deep into his eyes, like liquefied metal.

"I...I think you asked another question. Invalid! It's my turn."

Her selfish Dad betrothed her to Ian. No surprise.
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