1) Killed

172 5 2

Scarlett's POV:

July 28th 2022



Skylar: 27


Niall: 27



Harry: 27

Eleanor: 30

Louis: 30

"Zayn, dinner is ready !" I yell. I am cooking grilled cheese for dinner. 

"Ok babe." He yells back. The dog is barking and it is hard to hear. Zayn comes walking into the kitchen with one little boy with messy curly hair in one arm and a little girl with long dark curly hair in the other arm. They are giggling and it is really cute. It amazes me how strong Zayn is, he is carrying both of them, how?. He sets them down and they run to their chairs at the table. They are 3years old. They start school in the fall. It amazes me how fast they have grown. It makes me want to cry. Well, not really but, it's just sad how fast they have grown up. Then again, we have all grown up. Skylar and Niall are married (August 5th 2220) , with their two boys. Chelsey and Harry are married with a baby on the way. Liam and Danielle are married ( on July 8th 2220) with their 2 almost 3year old baby boy, Carl (in one month). And Eleanor and Louis have their baby girl, (born on November 22nd 2220) Molly Eve Tomlinson and are married (on the 14th of May 2021). Zayn and I got married on May 4th 2220. When we had our wedding, it was a month and a day after Trey, Jordan, Mason, and Jai had just turned 1. 


I waiting in my Patrica and Yasers' home in Bradford. I am about to walk down the long isle. I am very shakey. What if I trip over my very long dress? My dress is beautiful. It is long and lacey. I am holding on the Harry's arm. He is the one that is walking down the isle with me. 

The music starts to play and every ones attention turns down the isle.

"Don't let me fall Harry." I whisper to him

"Never in a million years." He says, trying to sound like Zayn. He knew that was my favorite part in the 'best song ever' video. I quietly laugh and he chuckles.  My brides maids and flower girl, Lux being my flower girl at the age of 5, Skylar ( my maid of honnor , of course! You're welcome mads! I better become your maid of honnor in you're book!), Danielle, and Safaa , Zayn's youngest sister. When they are at the end of the isle, We slowly start to walk down the long isle, the soft music playing from the piano sounds so pretty. I am holding Harry's hand so tightly. I can't believe this is happening right now..

Half way down the isle, Zayn's eyes meet mine, his eyes , his hair, his suit, it all looks so perfect. Before I know it, I am at the end of the isle and in front of Zayn. 

I turn to Harry and he has a small smile on his face. He kisses me on the cheek and then places my hand in Zayns. Harry then sits down in the front row. He gets handed a baby boy, my baby boy, Trey, he is in a small Tux. He has a big smile on his face and it is absolutely adorable. I give a small smile to my baby boy and he squeals with excitement. I give a small laugh and then turn to the wedding priest. 

"Please be seated." The priest says

*15 minutes later*

"Zayn Malik, Do you take Scarlett Hayze to be your wife?" The priest asks as I slide the ring onto his finger.

"I do." Zayn says, looking into my eyes and smiling.

"And do you Scarlett Hayze take Zayn Malik to be your husband?" The priest asks, as Zayn slides a beautiful diamond ring onto my finger. I admire it quickly before answering. 

"I do." I say, smiling at my future husband

"you may kiss the bride." The priest says. I turn around and hand my flowers to Skylar. She takes them in her hands and I turn around to face Zayn. He leans in and our lips meet. The people that are sitting in the rows of seats. Zayn and I share and quick but passionate kiss before pulling away and turning to the crowd. I have a huge smile on my face as Zayn and I walk back down the isle, our arms linked together. 

*3 hours later*

We are dancing on the big wooden dance floor on the roof. We are at a hotel and on the roof. We are having our reception here. The place is huge and it looks amazing. There is lights all over the place and there is live music here. Molly, Mason, Jai, Trey, Jordan, and Carl are at a babysitters house. I totally trust her with my and my friends children. She is very responsible and I trust her with 6 babies. They will be asleep almost the whole time anyways. I know it is rough but I told her she could bring a buddy to help her out. I also trust her friend because she has babysat for me before. I totally trust both of them. We dance all night until it is time for Zayn to take me on our honey moon. Harry and Chelsey and going to watch Trey and Jordan while we're gone.. 

*3 days later*

Today is my second day on my honeymoon. Zayn took me to the Bahamas!

*End of Flashback* (picture of where the wedding ceremony is held/ Patrica and Yazer's backyard on the side)

"Babe, you haven't eaten anything yet." Zayn says, looking at me worriedly. I snap out of my flashback and come back to reality. I look at Jordan and Trey, who are eatting their Grilled cheese. I quickly eat my sand which and start washing the dishes. When I am about half way done, Zayn wraps his hands around my waist and places his head on my shoulder.  

"I'll take over ." He whispers in my ear. 

"Ok." I say, slipping away from him and handing him the sponge. I go join the kids on the couch. They are watching Ice Age. I snuggle with them on the couch. The doorbell rings in about 20 minutes.

"I got it!" Zayn yells. In a minute, Zayn and my mom walk into the room. 

"GRANDMA!" Jordan and Trey yell in unison, running up from the couch and into her arms. 

"Hello kids!" She says, hugging and kissing them on the for head. I get up from the couch and go hug my mum.

"Hello mum." 

"Hi hunny." She says

" Why are you here?" I ask curiously. Usually, mum calls before she comes over. 

"We have to talk..." She says slowly

"Ok..." I say

"Alone?" She asks

"Sure." I say and lead her up the stairs and to Zayn and my room. I close the door behind us and she sits on our king size bed. I sit down next to her, criss cross apple sauce. 

"What is it mum?"

"Well...wow, this is harder than I thought. Um, so, you know how I said I had you're father cremated and I spread the Ashes at Devils Lake?" My mom asks. 

Where is she going with this? I think to myself

"Ya." I say slowly

"..h..He didn't have a heat attack." She says slowly, trying to continue talking but nothing comes out of her mouth. My jaw drops.

She lied to me. How could she LIE to ME?! 

"You lied to me.. What. Happened. To. Him.?" I say slowly and coldly to her. Her face turns pale. She takes a deep breath in a sighs. Her dark green eyes meet mine and she starts to speak. 

"I killed him." She says slowly. 

Hey guys! I'm so glad you guys decided to read the sequel. Thanks tons! What do you think about Scarlett's mum? What the fuck, right? Well, Scarlett and Zayn had a nice wedding, don't you think so? Well, comment what you think. I would be greatful. I need 3 votes and 2 comments to post the next chapter. Come on now. No 2nd chapter until 3 votes and 2 comments. Ok, love you guys. Thanks for reading. I appologize for spelling and grammer mistakes. 


Growing up (sequel to 'Live while we're young')Where stories live. Discover now