4) Glad you're back

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Harry's POV: 

Skylar and Scarlett both break into tears. Everyone just stands there for a moment, not know to do but then get going. I go over to Scarlett, rubbing her back. Everyone huddles around her, waiting to greet her. She then looks up from her hands and stares at Skyalr with wide eyes. 

"You're pregnant." Scarlett says with her raspy voice. Skylar stops crying and looks at her and nods her head. Skylar walks over to Scarlett and gives her a hug. They then both start crying again. 

"Scarlett, I am soooo soooo sorry." Skylar says in between sobs. Scarlett doesn't answer, just keeps crying. 

"I love you Skylar. It's ok." She finally says. They stop crying and pull away. 

"How are you forgiving me?" Skylar whispers, looking at the ground. Everyone is just standing around them, listening and watching, nobody saying anything. 

"You're my best friend Sky. Of course I'm going to forgive you. " Scarlett says. 

"Thank you." Skylar says and they hug again. When they pull away, I lean down and pull Scarlett into a hug. 

"Hey sis." I whisper, on the verge of tears. 

"Hey." She quickly says. 

"I missed you..." I whisper

"I know. " She quickly says again and gulps. I pull away and she has tears streaming down her face. 

"I love you scarlett. Don't leave like that, ever again." I say and whipe her tears away. She nods, a small smile on her face but only more tears roll down her face. I step back and Chelsey replaces my spot. 

"Hi." She quickly says and pulls Scarlett into a tight, one armed hug, while she holds Darcy in the other arm.

Chelsey's POV: 

"Hi." I quickly say and pull Scarlett into a hug, wrapping my free arm around her. I feel the tears coming. 

"Hey." I hear the joy and sadness in Scarlett's voice. I know she is crying because of her breathing. I can't hold it in anymore. I let out a quiet sob into her hair. she rubbs my back but starts crying too.

"I missed you." I say, still crying. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. I don't know what any of us would do.

Darcy starts to squirm and let's out a squeal. Scarlett and I pull away from our hug. 

Scarlett's POV: 

I hear a squeal and Chelsey pulls away from our hug. I stop crying and whipe the tears away. I just notice the baby girl in her arms. Brown eyes like Chelsey, brown curly hair like Harry. Darcy. I stare at the baby. That is my niece.  Chelsey notices.

"This is Darcy Evelyn Hayze." Chelsey says, handing the baby to me. My jaw drops with shock  and joy. 

"You changed your name Harry." I whisper and look up at him. 

"I did. It's my name. Now it's Harry Edward Hayze Styles. Simon made me keep the Styles because of publicity or some crap but Chelsey's' last name is Hayze and so is Darcys'." Harry says. I look up with Chelsey with a grin. 

"Chelsey Jessica Hayze." Chelsey says and laughs. I laugh too. 

"She's beautiful you guys." I say admiring the sleeping baby. 

"Thank you." Harry says

"Well, if you excuse me, but I haven't hugged my best friend yet." Louis says, pushing past Harry and pulling me into a hug.

"Hey boo bear." I say

"Hey." He says, pulling away

"Scarlett!" Eleanor squeals and pulls be into a hug. 

"Hi eleanor!" I say

"I missed you so much. " She says, pulling away. 

seconds later, "Scarlett..oh my gosh, hi." Danielle says, hugging me. 

"Hi danni. " I say

"Gosh, i missed you. It's been so hard without you" She says

"I'm sorry about that." I say and giggle. Darcy then starts crying. 

"Shhhh. It's ok." I hush, rocking the baby back and forth. The baby then calms down. 

"Auntie Scarlett!" I hear high pitched voices yell. I turn and Jai and Mason are standing next to my bed. 

"Oh my gosh! Hey guys! YOu have gotten so big!" I say pulling them both into hugs. 

"My turn!" I hear somone say. Niall is standing there. 

"Hey Nialler." I say and pull him into a hug. 

"HI. Now, I'll get the little rascals." He says, pulling away and taking Jai, Mason, Jordan, and Trey out of the room. 

"LIam! Come here!" I complain. He laughs and walks over to my bed. I pull him into a hug. 

"Hey scar. How you feeling?" Liam asks

"Never better." I say with a grin. 

"Hey carl, Hey molly!!" I say and pull both the kids into a group hug. 

"Hey aunt Scar." They say together. 

*30 minutes later* 

The same nurse opens the door and interrupts our conversation. Everyone is sitting in chairs, except me Jordan and carl (Jordan and Carl are sitting in the bed with Scarlett)and  talking about how we should take a trip somewhere together. 

"Um, Mrs. Malik, there is some people here to see you." She informs us

"Ok,let them in." I say. The nurse nods and leaves the room. A few minutes later, Ed Sheeran and my mom apear. 

"ED! MUM!" I greet them. 

"Scarlett!" My mum rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug. 

*10 emotional minutes later.* 

Ed and mum just left.They just came to say hi. 

"Well, we should be going..." Danielle says, patting Carls' head. 

"us too." Skylar says. 

"Ok, well, thanks for stopping by guys." Zayn says

"Of course. We wouldn't miss this for the world." Niall says

"I'm so glad you're back." Skylar says to me. 

"I know." I say

Hey guys. I know this is a pretty boring chapter but I promise that the next one will be better, ok? ok. well, thanks for reading and sorry about spelling and grammer mistakes. BYE!

-Laya XOXO

Growing up (sequel to 'Live while we're young')Where stories live. Discover now