8. Epilogue Growing Old

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ok my babies...this is seriously the end. I just want to say thank you to everybody who has stayed and read to the end. you guys have been amazing. I hope you guys all liked my first book. I have many book ideas that I will write so I hope you guys read those books as well. I LOVE you guys so much! -Laya

****50 years later****

Scarletts POV:

I sit in my rocking chair drinking my tea as I watch my 6 grandchildren play tag. Today is the twins 55th birthday...where has the time gone? Im now living with Trey and his family; his wife, Kate, and their two children, Max And Abby. I moved in with Trey about 10 years ago, when Zayn had passed away from a heartattack. it really broke me, and of course my children and the Boys. Even when the group ended, when Lou was almost 40, we still always stayed in contact and did things together. it was as if we never could get old because we acted as crazy as we used to when we were all on tour together. but here we are...all wrinkley and old. After having Darcy, Harry and Chelsey had another little girl named Carly. Louis and Eleanor ended up having 4 kids, Molly, Charlie (a girl), Jason, and Maggie. Niall and Skylar never had anymore kids and neither did Liam and Danielle. Harry and Skylar walk up the wooden steps to the front porch where I was sitting with their cains. they sit down on the two rocking chairs beside me.

"Can you believe we made it this far?" Harry whispers.

"I feel you..." Skylar replies.

"What happened to us. we used to be so fun and now we're all...wrinkles and gray hair" Harry kinda says in disgust. Harry had never really been the same since Chelsey died. But I wasn't after Zayn ethier. everybody dies, everything good is going to end and we never had any control of it.

"We grew up"

Growing up (sequel to 'Live while we're young')Where stories live. Discover now