5) Holiday

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Scarlett's POV: 

I have been home for a week. At first, the kids were ..skiddish..I don't think they we used to me being home. That isn't a bad thing, right? They are just getting used to me again. I think.  

Not much has changed. Everything looks just as it had before. It amazes me that I was gone for 10 months. The really only new thing is the dog. YES! Zayn bought the kids a dog. He bought the dog when he told the kids that I would be 'taking a very long nap'. Her name is Saidie, she is a german sheperd. 

I am laying on the wooden deck in my swimming suit that is attached to the pool, where Zayn and the twins are swimming. I am trying to get a good tan because, while I was 'taking a nap', i go very pale. 

I am kinda depressed a little that I lost the baby. I mean, for god sakes, my baby is dead...because of Skylar. STOP SCARELETT! Don't blame Skylar for this. It's not her fault. But my baby..my living, unborn baby is dead. It didn't even have a chance. Poor thing... It's dead..

"Mummy! Come in with us!" Jordan's little voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I look over at her and smile. 

"Sure sweetie! I'm coming. " I say and and sit up from my chair. I slowly lower myself into the pool. I sigh in pleasure as the temperature of the pool cooling my body. It's already July, Before I know it, it will be too cold to go swimming. My phone then starts ringing, 

"DONT, DROP THAT DUN DUN DUN!" My phone blasts. That's Skylar's ring tone. I sigh and get out of the pool, quickly drying my hands on a towel before picking up my I-Phone 6 and answering. 

"Yellow?" I ask, sitting down on my chair and laying down, closing my eyes. 

"Hey Scarlett. How are you? I haven't seen you in a few days." Skylar's bubbly voice sounds. 

"I'm fine. Thanks. You?" I say, not opening my eyes

"I'm good. Well, I wanted to run an idea past yooou." Skylar says, holding the 'you' and little longer than necessary. Oh no, here we go, Skylar's crazy ideas. "Well, actually Liam's idea but...ya." She adds

"Ok, hit me." I say

"Well, before all the kids have to go to school, we should all go on a Holiday." She squeals. My eyes open. A holiday? 

"With the kids? " I ask into the phone, sitting up slightly. 

"No silly! Without the kids. It would be fun. We should seriously go on a holiday. We haven't gone on one since Trey and Jordan were born. That's almost 4 years. We really need to get back together. LIke old times, the girls and the band. It will be fun. You need to unwind and party with me, gurl. You were out for 10 monthes. There could have been a war and everyone could have died but our government is some bad ass shit so nobody died, but it could have happened. It could happen tomorrow. We need to 'LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG!'" She says, singing/screaming the last part. She had too much coffee this morning. "We need to find the old you and have some fun." She adds.

She has a point. The last time any of us went somewhere is when we went to go visit my brother when Skylar and I were pregnant. That doesn't even count either cause the 10 of us weren't all together. Have we all EVER gone a holiday together? But then again, I have been out for 10 months and already I'm gonna leave my kids. That just doesn't feel right. 

"Skylar, I don't think we have EVER gone a holiday together...." I say slowly

"EXACTLY!" She yells into the phone. I look out at the pool. Jordan, Trey and Zayn..swimming, splashing, laughing, having fun. Zayn and my eyes meet and he gives me a small smile before his attention being turned back towards Trey. Zayn is such a good dad. But we never have alone time anymore. 

"We should go on a holiday, dude." I say, not taking my eyes off the 3 people I love most in this world. 

"That's the Scarlett I knew before she turned into a mommy! WHOOP WHOOP!" Skylar yells. I can just imagine her fist pumping the air at this exact moment. I chuckle. "Ok, I will call everybody and tell them to meet at your house at 6 tonight." She quickly says

"Wait, wait! Dude, calm you boobies. I still have to talk to Zayn about it." I say and laugh again. 

"What happened to calm you tits? We always say 'Calm your tits' but now we are saying boobies! I don't like boobies!" Skylar complains. Haha. She was still such a little kid deep down. It is so hard to think that she is a mother.

"Well, Jordan and Trey are right here." I say, nodding my head towards the pool but then realize that she can't see me.

"Oh, well, that's ok. Well, you talk to Zayn about it and when you get back to me, I will call everybody. We will meet tomorrow night instead. " Skylar says.

"Ok Sky. I will. Talk to you later. Love you, tell the little ones I say hi." I say

"Will do." She replies

"ok, bye!" I say and hang up. 


"so, Zayn, Skylar wants to go on a holiday..." I say when we sit down on the couch after putting the kids to bed. 

"A holiday?" He questions

"yea." I say

"With the kids?" He questions


"Well, when? Where?" He asks

"I'm not sure. Skylar wants to get everyone here to talk about it tomorrow night." I say

"We've never been on a holiday together, the 10 of us. " 

"I know!" I say

"Well, ya, let's get together tomorrow night." He says

~~~~~~* l day later* (Oh, by the way people! I forgot to tell you but the band isnt broken up! REPEAT! The band is still together! But they only plan to do another album (atleast in this book) Skylar, Chelsey, and Scarlett are not working but Scarlett will occasionally do movies.ok? ok. Bye guys!)

The girls and lads just left. We have it all planned out. We are going to Florida, In America. But, we are bringing the kids. Our first thought was, 'who is going to watch 7 kids?' and the answer to that was 'almost nobody.' and Florida is a nice place. The kids would love it there. So, we are flying to  Florida in a 8 days. We went on my laptop and bought plane tickets. See, this is the nice thing about being rich, You can do short timed things, aleast money wise. FLORIDA, HERE WE COME! 

*8 days later*

"Come on Trey" I say sticking out my free hand for him to take. He slowly quicks his pace and finally his small hand reaches mine, his scooby doo suitcase rolling behind him.(hey guys, I just wanted to tell you that when I was little, I had a pink scooby doo suitcase. Lol.) He is really tired. It is 8 in the morning right now. 

We are curently  at the airport, we are walking to the Starbucks, where we plan to meet. When we finally get there, we see, Skylar, Niall, Jai, and Mason. Dang, this girl was always early. 

"Hey guys." Niall says, standing up from the chair he was sitting in and gave everyone hugs, and so did Skylar. 

"Here." Skylar says, handing me a Mocha Frapee and small smile and I smile back. 

"Thanks."I say and hug her again. 

"Of course"  She says

*20 minutes later*

We just boarded the plane. Private plane, actually. The seats are in twos.

Eleanor&Lou----------------Chelsey&Harry&Darcy (Because Darcy is just a baby! Duh?!)


Jordan&Jai   ---------------- Liam&Dani

Niall&Skylar------------------ Scar&Zayn

*9 hours later!*

It is 6pm and we just landed in Orlando, Florida!!! Time to have some fun!

hey guys. I sorry this chapter is so boring but...sadly, this story will soon be coming to an end every soon. But, anyways, thanks for reading and I will update next Sunday. Bye! 

-Laya XOXO

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