7. Baby Girl

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OMG GUYS. It's been 9 months since ive updated this story. I'm so sorry. I don't even have a good excuse this time. But i'm back and im ready to give this story a kick ass ending. (kick ass, meaning sad and happy and beautiful and i hope you guys cry :)) There seriously, might just be like, the lat chapter, plus an epiloge. I'm not exactly sure yet but...you know, we'll see, :) enjoy!

Scarlett's POV:

The room falls quiet. Jordan and Trey are speechless.

"A new baby?" Trey eventually says with a sound of excitment in his voice.

"Yes. And the new baby will be here very soon." Zayn slowly says " in about 6 months" he adds.

"I don't want another baby." Jordan whispers

"Why baby girl?" I ask. Jordan doesn't reply and looks like she is deep in thought. I look over at Zayn worridly, he has the same look on his face as I do. After a few seconds, she replies.

"Because you will forget about Trey and I. " She says slowly.

" Jordan, this baby won't make us forget about you. We will love you as much as we do now." Zayn says tenderly.

"ok daddy. " she whispers. "Can i be excused?" Shes asks, looking down at her lap

"Sure." I reply as my little girl gets up from the table and marches up the stairs to the 2nd floor.

********4 days later********

"You're having another baby?!" Skylar squeals. Today is sunday and we invited everybody over to our house for a barbeque but the whole reason was to tell the group about me being pregnant. We are all sitting on the backporch while the kids are swimming in our large in ground pool.

I grin and reply " Yep, I'm about 3 months along." squeezing Zayn's hand.

"OH MY GOD... That's so exciting! " Chelsey pretty much screams, waking up Darcy, who was sleeping soundly in her arms. "oooh, im sorry baby." She coo'ed to Darcy.

"Congratulations guys!" Eleanor says.

"Thanks El." Zayn replies.

****4 months later***

"Trey! You have to be more careful when you are pouring something!" I scream and heart rate slows My horemons are going crazy, worse than when I had the twins. I squat down to clean the spilled milk but my large baby bump makes me struggle to reach to the floor. Zayn puts his large hand on my shoulder and squats down next to me.

"It's ok babe, don't bend over, just go sit down. I'll talk care of this" He says as he stands back up and grabs a roll of paper towl . I sigh an appologize to Trey and go sit down on the couch in the living room. I rub my bump and sigh

When Zayn finishes cleaning, he plops down on the couch next to me.

"So babe, what do you wonna do today?" He sighs

"Ugh, nothing, im so tired" i moan, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Too bad, youre tired everyday. I have a surprise for and the kids." He grins. There is a sudden crash of noise from the direction of the kitchen..

"Fine, but you know i hate surprises. Can you please tell me" i give him my puppy dog eyes as i look up at him and starts laughing.

"Your puppy eyes dont work anymore, babe" he grins, getting up off the couch and stalking off towards the direction of the noise. "Start getting ready!" He yells from a distance.


soooooooo, we ended up going to a football match with Louis, Molly and Eleanor. And usually, i dont like sports but i had A LOT of fun tonighr. It was just like old times. Before, during my pregnancy, the boys would take me to sport games and to different places around the UK, it was the best.

****2months later****

Today Mason and Jai are at our house, having a play date with Jordan and Trey while Niiall and Skylar are having a romantic getaway. Zayn and i are sitting on the couch holding hands, watching "Vampire Diaries", our favorite show while the kids are playing up stairs. Suddenly, i feel something wet beneath me. I queeze zayns hand as it burns.

"Zayn, i think my water just broke" i say, leaping up from the couch to examin the wet spot on the leather couch.

"Holy shit" he whispers "ill call Liam and Dani to come watch the kids and ill grab the overnight bag" as he jumps from the couch.


Janurary 16th at 7:03, Jasmine Marie Malik was born

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