3) Waking up

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Scarlett's POV: 

I am in a black room. black walls, black ceiling, and black floor. It is pitch black and I  can't see a door or anything else for that matter. I am trapped. There is no way out. It's no use. Is this hell? Am I dead? 

Then, I see a light. I stare at it in disbilief for a moment then quickly run towards it. I finally reach it and everything turns black again but something is different. I hear a moniter. 

Beep, beep, beep, beep the sounds make as i breath. 

"Daddy...when will mommy wake up?" A little voice asks

"I don't know buddy...." Another voice says

"It's been so long. I miss her.." I hear another voice say, and then sobs. 

"I know, it's ok sweetie. We all miss her. She will be back. I promise."  I hear 

'NO! I"m here!' I try to say but the crying continues. They can't hear me.  'I'M HERE! LISTEN TO ME!" I try to scream but still, nothing happens. I try moving. 

"Daddy... did she just move?" I hear someone ask. They saw me! I move my hand again. 

"OH my god." I hear someone say. "NURSE!" I hear the same voice yell

"Yes Mr. Malik?" A female voice asks. Zayn. ZAYN! I knew I reconized his voice but I didn't know whos' it was

"She moved. She-she moved" Zayn says, sounding unsteady. 

"Her heartbeat has picked up." The female voice goes again. 

WAKE UP SCARLETT WAKE UP SCARLETT WAKE UP SCARLETT I incourage myself. I try to push my eyelids open, but fail. I try again but they won't open. 

God damn, wake up. 1, 2, 3! I say in my head and try pushing them again, suceeding. Dark, slowly turns to light. The room is bright, I can't see anything. Everything is suddenly all white. 

"Mummy!" I hear someone screetch. Seconds later, my eyes adjust. A nurse. Short, super short blond hair, brown eyes, very pretty. Next, I see Zayn. My beautiful Zayn. He looked so tired. Long stubble, ovbiously hasn't shaved in a while, his hair is long, too long, needing to be cut, bright honey colored eyes, brighter than  I remember, no more blond in his hair. He looked so..worn out? 

Then I meet eye contact with the two small kids standing there. They look like my kids but..they don't. They look bigger, not how I remember them. Jordan... Looking so much like her dad. Mixture of brown and green eyes, slightly red from crying (she was the one crying), big curly black hair down to her shoulders. Trey, looking more like me, green eyes, short curly brown hair, exactly like Harrys'. I feel the tears in my eyes starting to form. They have grown some much. How long have I been out?

"babies.." I whisper and the kids jump into my arms. 

"Mommy. " Trey says, tears streaming down his face. Jordan is also crying. Minutes later they pull away. Zayn quickly comes up to me and kisses me on the lips. It is quick and short but loving. I look down at my stomach. Flat. I couldn't have been out that long if I'm not showing. 

"How are you feeling Mrs. Malik?" The nurse asks, feeling my head for a fever

" Great." I reply

"That good." The nurse says, taking her hand away from my forehead.

"We missed you so much mummy." Trey says, Jordan nodding in agreement. I smile.

"I did too." I say, but, do I? It feels like I just saw them 5 minutes ago. What is going on?

Growing up (sequel to 'Live while we're young')Where stories live. Discover now