6) Memories

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Hello everybody. I know you are probably so pissed with me. I know it has been more than 2 weeks since I updated and I promised that I would update once a week and I am sorry. SCHOOL! Blame school for me not being able to update. So, please don't hate me. Here is your chapter. May I warn you that this story is going to be going in fast forward from now on and this story will probably end from 3-7 more updates. Ok, here we go.

Scarlett's POV: 

FLORIDA! WAS! AMAZING! Oh my god. I had the best time ever. The 10 of us (When I'm talking about the ten of them, I'm just gonna call them 'the gang'. It will be easier) went to Disney World, and went snorkeling ,except Chelsey, went dolphin watching and saw a total of 7 dolphins, and so much more cool stuff. It was so amazing. Also, Skylar, Eleanor, Danielle, Chelsey (except Chelsey didn't drink) and myself went out one night to a club to have a girls' night out. I really needed a break. I had so much fun. And as Skylar said 'We lived while we're young'.We are so going back again. We have been home for about 4 days. It was great bonding time for everyone.

One of the nights when we went out to dinner, Chelsey told us that she was pregnant again! I am so happy for her. And then that night I realized that I want another baby. I'll have to talk to Zayn about that....

* 14 days later*

Today is my birthday. I had such a great day. So, Zayn threw me a surprise party and everyone was there! Olly Murs, Ed Sheeran, Katy Perry, My mom, the gang and the kids, and a bunch of other celebrities. It was the best party ever. It felt complete with everyone there. And, my mum's celebrity crush, Channing Tatum was there as well and she was all over him, it made me laugh. 

It is now 11 p.m. and everyone is gone and the kids are in bed. I am sitting on our couch watching TV. and  Zayn is upstairs brushing his teeth. 

"Babe?" I hear behind me. I slowly turn my head around and see Zayn standing there, hiding something behind his back. He walks around the couch and sits next to me.

"Yea?" I ask

"Happy Birthday." He whispers, kissing my cheek and taking the object from behind his back, which just happens to be a plain silver CD. I give a small smile. Zayn and his mysteries. I've loved them since day one.

"What is it?" I ask looking up at my husbands' beautiful face. Zayn gives me a small smile and takes the CD from my hands. He gets up from the couch and walks over to the DVD player. He puts the CD in and sits back down on the couch next to me and puts his arm around me. Seconds later, it starts playing and my eyes instantly tear up. On the screen is  Jordan and Trey, with backpacks on their backs dressed nicely. 

"Ready for your first day of school?" I hear Zayn's voice come from the speakers

"YA!" Jordan squeals, jumping up and down. Trey nods in agreement. I look over at Zayn and he has a smile on his face and is watching the TV closely. I quickly look back at the screen. The camera is now angled so Zayn, Jordan and Trey can be seen.

"Hi mommy, it's the kids first day of school. They are very excited. Wish you could be here to see our kids go to school but I know you are busy, so I'm making this so you won't miss out. We love you." Zayn says to the camera with a sad smile.

"We love you mommy!" Trey and Jordan yell, waving at the camera with an excited smile and then the screen goes black for about 2 seconds before continuing. 

The screen is now showing Trey in the middle of the pool with Zayn and Harry. suddenly, Zayn and Harry let go of Trey's waist and he starts kicking his legs, swimming. I shriek with joy. My baby is swimming. My baby can swim. I watch in amazement as my son swims. The camera turns and there is Chelsey rocking Darcy in her arms. Chelsey gives a warm smile. Darcy looks to be 2 months. She is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Chubby checks, big green eyes and a smile of her small face, showing her shallow dimples. I am awestruck. The tape once again goes black before starting again. 

*7 minutes later*

The whole gang just gave me a whole speech on how much they missed me. The screen goes black and appears again. This time it is only Zayn. He looks exactly the same way the day I woke up from my coma...I remember that day so clearly. Face not shaved, dark bags, no blond quiff. Actually, no quiff at all. 

"Scarlett...It has almost been  ten months...and I don't know if you will ever get to see this. If you will get to see our children grow up to be the great people that they are going to be someday. I don't know if you are going to wake up. And if you don't, I just want to tell you that you were the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much and even if I find someone else...even if I move on, I will never forget you and will always love you. I promise to take care of our kids. I am going to see you with the kids tomorrow. I don't really want to see you like this but... I guess I have no choice...I don't know why I'm doing this. 10 months and I am still hoping..hoping you are still there..still alive. " Zayn looks at the camera and then sighs before cutting the tape, The Disc finally goes black for the last time. After hearing that, I am bawling, literally bawling. The whole Disc was of things I missed while I was in my coma. 

Jordan's first dance recital, Trey's first tee-ball game, the gang hanging out, Dacry eating, Jordan's first tooth, Zayn Jordan and Trey training Saidie( Saidie is the dog, remember?! Ya, you remember, hey, you better remember. lol). There was so much. 

"OH-MY-GOD!" I say between sobs. I quickly pull myself together and wipe away my tears. I look up at Zayn, who has his arm comfortingly around me. "That was beautiful" I whisper before starting to cry again. 

"Ssshhh." He whispers soothingly in my ear. "It's ok." 

But then I realize that it's not ok. It's not ok that I have been gone for 10 months. It's not ok that I missed 10 months of my life, of my kids life, of Zayn and my life together. I have missed 10 months of the life that i will never get back. 

*2 months later*


I had told Zayn about a week ago and he was thrilled. But are we really ready for this? We already have 2 kids and a dog for crying out loud! 

We had just finished diner and we told Jordan and Trey to sit back down at the kitchen table because we have something 'very important' to tell them. I finally join the three of the at the table. 

"We have something very exciting to tell you." I say enthusiastically

"What is it?" Trey asks curiously

"Well, mommy and daddy really love eachother." Zayn says, looking over at me nervously. I nod my head in encouragement. He gives a slight nod back before turning to face our children again. "So.. that's why you are going to have a new baby brother or sister." Zayn says. I give a grin to Zayn. I am pregnant. I then look over at my kids. And there expression is pure shock.

DUN DUN DUN! How do you think Trey and Jordan feel about a sibling?! CAN YOU BELIEVE SHE IS PREGO AGAIN?! YAY! By the way everybody, I know this story is like, going in fast forward and all but I am running out of stream for this story and it will probably end soon unless I come up with an award winning idea but I totally doubt that. But, I promise to update next Sunday. That is a promise. I will find time. Thanks for reading and sorry about spelling and grammar mistakes. BYE! 


P.S. I hope you cried on the birthday part because I cried writing it so I hope you guys are as emotional as me. 

Growing up (sequel to 'Live while we're young')Where stories live. Discover now