2) AmaZAYN!

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Scarlett's POV:

Did I just hear her right? I wonder. I can tell by my mothers face expression that this is not a joke. This is not a lie and this is certianly not a dream.  

My jaw drops down to the ground. My mother is murder?

"What?!" I ask, getting up off the bed and standing in front of her.

"I didn't mean to. It was a accident. You know I wouldn't kill anybody Scarlett" She says.

"How am I supposed to know that? You abused me as a kid. One time you almost killed me...And how do you ACCIDENTALLY kill someone ma!? " I yell the word accidentally. the memory i back to me. Of my mother almost killing me.

*Flashback* (Question, do you like the flashbacks or do you rather just not having them? Tell me what you think. Please, if you don't think the flashbacks aren't worth my time, tell me and I will write the more important stuff, ok? Ok but I just want to say that we skipped a few years between this story and the one before so It might be nice to have the flashbacks but I don't care. Just tell me what you think.)

I am seven years old. Caleb is five. Harrison is gone. I am sitting on the couch watching TV with Caleb. Mom and dad went out for the night. They always do.

It is 9:30 at night when my parents stomp through the house. They are stumbling around and there is something not right about this.

"Hi mum. Hi dad!" I say, not getting up from the couch because they are allready walking towards us. They stand in front of Caleb and I but they are just giggling. "What's wrong ?" I ask

"We're. not. DRUNK!" Mum says, turning around and oddly walking up the stairs

"Daddy, what's wrong with her." I ask

"Shut. Up!" He yells before slapping me across the face. I scream and start crying, the tears rushing down my face.

Mum then staggers down the stairs with a hand gun. I shriek. I never knew she had that. She fires the gun and the bullet barely misses my head.

"WOOOO HOOOOO!"She yells, shooting the ceiling 3 times.

I look at Caleb and he starts screaming, blood dripping down from his ears.

*End of flashback. * 

That was the day the abusing started. With that one slap, my father turned into a monster, along with my mother. Caleb was lucky to get his hearing back. such a horrible memory. I feel wetness on my cheek and I quickly brush it off.

" I was drunk that night. I didn't know what I was doing when I pulled that trigger. And, it was an accident. I was protecting myself from him and I accidentally killed him."My mother says looking down at the ground.

"S-self. Defense?" I ask slowly.

"Yes, honey." She says

"W-what happened?" I ask

"Well, one of those days that you were gone on tour with Zayn... You're dad came home drunk. He tried to rape me and I slapped him in the face. He then started punching me in the stomach. He got on top of me and continued. When he stopped, I layed there for a few minutes and then found him on the couch. I  tackeled him to the ground and punched him in the face muliple times. I thought he passed out so I put him on the couch and went to bed. He didn't move for the whole day...then I knew..that he was gone. Scarlett, I hated myself. I still do. I remember that day so clearly. It was 4 years ago but it feels like it just happened yesterday. I had  the body cremated and his ashes are at home. I loved your father. I can't believe he's gone." Mum says. By the time she is done, my head is in my hands and I am crying and she is too.

Growing up (sequel to 'Live while we're young')Where stories live. Discover now