Chapter 3.

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That's how it all started.
All the insults
All the violence.

After my introduction I sat in the back of the class.
I could hear everyone laughing and pointing at me
They were whispering things like "she's so fat I can hear her jeans screaming"

"Fuck bro, I thought the new student was hot not a blob "

Every comment hurt
Every laugh
Every stare

All I did is introducing myself,what did I do wrong?
I don't understand...

My second period was history and It was on the other side of the school.
I had to walk through all the people laughing at me when a blond girl with black high heels throw me to the ground

"Watch where you go you fat bitch"

"What the fuck I was looking. You weren't.."

And with those words I fucked up my situation in that school even more.

"What the fuck did you just say?! YOU.DON'T.TALK.BACK.TO.ME.

With each word she hit me in the stomach with her heels, and that fucking hurts.


"Let's go Stacey this whale is not even worth your time.."

She left me there.
Everyone was laughing
Everyone but this black haired boy, that probably didn't care at all about me.

I stood up aching.
I went to the bathroom and I found two bruises on my stomach and one on my ankle
That girl was skinny but fucking strong.

It was finally time for my favorite subject: Art.
I quickly found the classroom and sat on my desk in front of a huge white canvass


That voice made me jump,cause I didn't expect someone talking to me

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I'm Jennifer , I just wanted to tell you that Stacey is always like that especially with new students , it will get better in time."

"Ehm thank you for the advise I'm Aurora by the way "

"Nice to meet you Aurora"

Jennifer is a beautiful girl with long brown hair and green eyes. She isn't skinny but not even fat, she has the perfect body type in my opinion.
In that hour I found out that she's a huge potterhead and she likes singing ( but she's too shy to sing in front of anyone but her mirror)

She invited me to lunch with her and I said yes even if I would preferred to eat alone, you know Im not in a good mood.

Finally It's lunch, I got my self a piece of pizza and a coke
When my pizza end up on my FACE.

"It's better for you if you don't eat,or you'll be even more fat if that's possible."

I ran.
I couldn't do it ,the hole school was laughing at me so loudly that the room start spinning in my mind.
Stacey had an evil smile on her face and her barbies behind her where laughing too.

I hid in the bathroom for the rest of the lunch.

The rest of the day was the same shit.
Insults from everyone
Insults from stacey
Got beat up from stacey and her barbies and finally the day was over.

I went home.
I didn't eat, I just cried until I fell asleep.

//Hi, here's another chapter, hope you liked it and remember : vote, comment and follow! Byee//

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