Chapter 6.

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Right now Im in the bathroom ,covered with tomato sauce, and I can't even recognize my self in the mirror.
Who is this girl?
Why am I acting like this?
Is this the real me?

I've never been so confused in my life.
Its like I'm bipolar or some shit like that.
One moment Im normal and shy , the other I'm angry and brutal.

While I was deep in my thoughts a knock on the door interrupted my thinking.

"Hei new girl,come out"

And now who is this, I'm not in the mood for anything ok?
Can people leave me alone for more that 5 minutes? Nope.

"Im not repeating that again, you get out or I get in"

"Ok ok damn chill out"

As I got out I saw a really cute guy.
No wait ,he's not cute
He's fucking hot.
Black hair and slightly tan skin, he has a lip and eyebrow piercing. He's so fucking tall, he must be something like  6'1 while  I'm 5'4.
He's thin but with the right amount of muscles.
Conclusion: He's fucking hot and out of my league, nice (note the sarcasm)

"Here,take these"

In his hands were a pair of black sweats and a black t-shirt.
It was probably his P.E clothes

"Ehm I don't need them,thanks"     

"I didn't ask you, it was a command so you take these and change end of it"

Without thinking about it twice I took the clothes and entered in the bathroom
When He said those words he was so scary omg, he's blue eyes where a darker shade, his muscles tens up , his voice low...god I'm sure I had a shiver down my spine.

The clothes fit, but they were so fucking tight, I was so embarrassed.
I was too fat to fit in his clothes.

"Ok thanks, you can go now"
I said through the door

"Why aren't you coming out?"

"Ehm I don't feel very well.."

"Tell me your name"


"Just tell me ,you don't need to ask so many questions!"

"Ok ok! it's Aurora , what's yours?"

"...cole,but you'll know me with another name"

"What do you mean with 'another name'"

Finally he left, now Im gonna stay here for the rest of the day.

Shit my hands hurts so much.

Five minutes later, yeah fucking five minutes , jennifer came in the bathroom for me.
How sweet...

"Aurora? Where are you?"

I planned to stay here alone, away from bullies,away from drama but

"Im here"
I said opening the bathroom door

"Oh my god how are you?"

She was so damn anxious.

"Ehm well I'm good,is stacay who's injured" duh

"Yeah right..well im here to say that IT WAS FUCKING AMAZING OMG you're my new idol, i loved when you put her in the trash can I-CO-NIC!"

"Ehm , Glad you liked it hahah"

"Oh yeah,I almost forgot the news they gave you a name!!"

"Ehm,what the..? What do you mean "they give me a name"?"

"Well first lets get out of here, and lets go somewhere more confortable"

We sat in the almost empty school's library and honestly I was getting c
curious about this name thing

"So are you going to explain it or ?"

"Oh yeah,sorry, so in this is school we have this thing that we give nicknames to "important" , well know or "bad" people. You have to be someone to have a nickname"

"So its kinda good?"

"Yes, well in your case became a "bad" girl or even a bully" -whaat?!-" so they gave you the name like the other school bully , you probably have seen them, they always sit together and their leader its "the devil's son" - daamn that's a scary name tho- he's the one with black hair and piercing you know?"

Black hair
There can be a lot of boys with those characteristic,its not that I talked to the 'devil's son' right?

"Well he always sits with the "ghost", the silent one with dark brown hair, they say that he appears like a ghost and that he can scare you only with his eyes"

Well again, these people are so creative.

"Then theres the blonde one," the mad Hatter" , he's so weird, he beats boys without a reason, one moment is happy and the other is punching someone randomly."

"Then there's Levi "the record breaker" he literally send 25 people at the hospital and he always beats his own record"

"Ok this is funny and interesting but what is my god damn nickname?"

"Well you are "the kind killer"
They say that when you're not angry you are normal,shy and cute but when you get angry you became a killer, they used the phrase you said to Stacey " Im being kind with you.." ,well I think its pretty cool ,what about you?"

The kind killer
People put a lot of effort for these things.
Well apparently now I'm a bad person, if defending yourself its bad.
Do I like it? Fuck yeah
Do I think its the truth?
Well for now..

"I think..that I like it..a lot."

//hei, I updated soon right? What do you think about it? Pls comment and vote, byee!!//

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