Chapter 5.

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have I  done?
I fucking beat up a girl
I never did something like that, so violent, so brutal.
It was kinda of cool tho..
In my old school I was the "sassy" one  or  the girl who talks back to everyone ,here I feel so weak and impotent because I've never been bullied so much in my life  but I've never been a violent person, honestly that was my first time beating someone ever.
Well at least now they're not gonna bully me anymore, I hope so...


Monday was hella weird
Everybody was staring at me but not like the other days, this time was different. They were looking at me curious and almost...scared?
Not possible
They can't be scared of me..right?

"She's that girl who almost killed Stacey.."

Pff, what?!
Almost killed ,what a bullshit

"They say that if you make her angry she will punch you till.. Death!"

Jeez these people have a very creative mind, they should write horror books or something

No one hit me or insult me for the hole day
The only thing that they did was whisper about what happend or what will happen if I get angry again
The peace last until lunch
Then I lost my chill again..


Lunch,the only thing good in this fucking school.
As usual I cut the line and got my favorite, pizza, the italians got that right.

I sat in my spot, everyone calls it "the bully-table " or simply "don't go near them or your life is over"
Today Jake is not here, he's probably fucking someone in the bathrooms, that's really not my style.
Levi and Xavier are here ,scaring the nerds with just a stare.

"So what do you guys thing about that new girl?"
Levi asked
Levi is the nicest in our group, well I don't know how nice you are if you got expelled from 5 schools because you send 25 guys  at the hospital but
He's the most "normal" and less scary among us, maybe its his baby face...whatever.

"Well she's fat but the good king of fat you know?"
Jake ,that appeared from I don't even know where, answered.
While Levi is intelligent, jake is a compleat idiot.
Don't get me wrong, he's still one of my best friends but its so...immature.
One time he beat this guy so bad just because he looked at his girl, he didn't even have the time to try to pick her up.
He doesn't think, he just uses he's fists.

"The good kind of fat as you called it its being curvy you idiot, its when a girl its not all bony like yours but has curves" said Xavier.

He always been the loner of the group, he doesn't speak much but when he does he's always right.

"What about you Cole?"

"Well the only thing that I know its that she's not that shy and weak as she shows.."

And with those words here she is, with a red tray filled with spaghetti and an open can of coke.
She was walking to her table when her tray hit her face and her spaghetti went everywhere  including her hair and clothes.
Stacey and her barbies were there laughing , beside Stacey was her boyfriend.

"you don't hit my girlfriend stupid bitch"

The new girl started..crying?
She got down and took her tray, when I thought she would just cry and run away she hit the guy on his head, again and again.

she was just acting, damn that girl is smart.

The guy didn't expect that, at all.
He just stand there trying to stop her but she didn't
She hit him with the tray so hard that it literally broke in half and the guy faint on the ground .

The girl throw the tray away, she looked up at Stacey and said

"Remember what I told you that would happen if you'd mess with me again?"

"Well now that its going to happened because you bothered me again and you wasted my fucking food, and NO ONE wastes my food"

With a quick move she grabbed Stacey's hair, putting her down on her knees
And she started to drag her to the nearest table,ours.
Usually I would just told her to go the fuck away of my table but this time was different, I didn't want to interrupt her beating.

"I'd move away if I were you"

We stoop up and moved to the side just in time.
She throw her on our table, food went everywhere, Stacey was crying covered in food.
Then she grabbed her again by the hair and drag her to the trash can

"So this time Im kind with you, cause If I wasnt you'll be in hospital now. but listen carefully , the next time I wont have mercy for you ok? So stay away from me or ill beat you so much that not even your mum will recognize you. So tell me Stacey did you get it this time?"

"Yes yes yes Im so so sorry I'm not going to mess with you again, I'll leave you alone and you would not even know that I exist"

"Good girl, and this is for you too barbies!"
She screamed pointing at her clones.

She left the room with her head up and a smirk on her face

"Well now I like her more"

//tadaah do you like it? I fucking loved it (obvs) so the next chapters are going to be more interesting so stay tuned and remember: comment e vote!"//

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