Chapter 13.

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The next morning I woke up from the best sleep I ever had.

Cole was still asleep, his harms wrapped tightly around my body possessively and his head was resting on my shoulder.
I was still uncomfortable having him so close to me but I wasn't definitely complaining though. 

You know when you just woke up and you look like a zombie? Well Cole was perfect even in that moment, i dont know how but he's handsome even now
Fuck ,his lucky, ill probably look like a zombie for real!

So i tried to slip from his harms because i wanted to put my self together and dont look so ugly and because today is Monday and we have to go to hell- I mean school. But I felt his harms tightening even more around me then his husky and sexy morning voice made me jump

"Where do you think you're going?"

Shit he sounds even more sexy in the morning

"Ehm...we have to go to school you know?"

"You don't have to go if you don't want  plus I want to stay like this a little more please"
He said with his eyes still closed


How can you say no to him? you simply cant! So we stayed like that for a few minutes more when he surprisingly got up and and went over my body, facing me with his piercing eyes

"You look even more beautiful right now "

Ehm I was supposed to say that actually
But i just blushed under his gaze

I don't know how but all of my walls , all of my defenses they dont exist anymore when im with him.
When im with him im the shy and weak girl again and im scared of this thing because he can destroy me anytime...

"Hey your mum should arrive tomorrow in the evening are you exited ?"

"Yeah I cant wait to hug her, i missed her so much"

" I want to met her and thank her because she made the most beautiful person i know"

"You know if you keep complimenting me like this ill look like a tomato because im blushing to much"

"i like when you blush.."he said slowly coming closer with his face until his soft lips met mine
Im still not used to this feeling, the feeling that someone actually likes me and wants to kiss me...its so weird for me.

"Cole we have to get up and get dressed for school.. Oh yeah right I almost forgot that i have to take clean clothes from my house"

I pushed Cole away and got up from the bed I was going towards the door but his voice stopped me

"Hey i'll take them"

"How do you even-"
I didn't even finish to talk that he was gone
The only way was through the window...holy shit he's out of the window !

There he was out of the window, he jump and like it was the easiest thing in the world he was in my room
I got closer to the window and yelled

"Hei thats really dangerous plus I didn't give you my permission to look through my clothes- HEY PUT THOSE DOWN AND CLOSE THAT!"

He held in his hand my only "fancy" pair of red lacy underwear with matching bra
I was red as the panties and his smirk was making me blush even more

"Wow so you like lacy underwear..nice babe"
He said through the window

"Stop playing with my stuff and take some clothes, its late already"

"Aw babe you are so cute when you are embarrassed"

He finally decided to pick a pair of black "skinny " ( you know their not skinny anymore when a fat girl wears them) with a pierce the veil t-shirt and black vans.

"Here you go, you can change here"

"Yeah ok, so get out and ill change"

"Mmm i was thinking about staying.."

"Yeah you wish! Get out kinky boy" I said pushing him playfully out of the door

I got ready and fixed my hair and my make up covering the faded bruises

"You know that their gonna stare at us right?" I nodded " So you have to put up an act , now you're in the group so you have to act like a bully , you have to look tough and mean, and stay always by my side I don't want some stupid bitches and horny dudes all over you ok?"

Well this should be fun...
or maybe not..

// im so so sorry i didnt upload anything but this week I was actually working so I couldn't write anything ! Well I hope you liked it and remember to vote and comment! :) //

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