Sakamaki mansion and sakamaki brothers!?!?!

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Narrators POV
While they got in the limo....they were passing by a huge gate and just stop there....they get out and got they're bags they came in the sakamaki mansion while only akiro and yui just stare in awe at the mansion while akira is only looking in a bored expression and when they're in front from a huge wooden door....akira knocked...

Akira's POV
I knocked the door twice....then it opened we 3 came in the mansion and then when I turn into my right I saw a boy with red hair and pale skin taking a nap on the couch....then I walked towards the boy then whispered in front of him and said " is he dead? Nope he isn't maybe he's taking a nap's better to leave him alone..." Then when I turned around and walked towards my brother and yui there was a cold hand grabbed my arm and then I took my dagger quickly and turned around and put my dagger in his neck almost close on killing him but when I looked up in his face he had a red hair with faint red tips and emerald eyes....but then I noticed something in him and I was shocked then thought of something' he's a....vampire' I thought then I speak up then said " let go of me now red head " then he let's go of me now and then I sense someone behind me and then when I look behind my shoulder I said " I apologize from hurting your 3rd brother sakamaki reiji san " then I bow down and when I stand straight he said " it's alright it's most certainly my own brother's fault I apologized for my brother's rudeness" then when we start the conversation why are we here....I walked up to my bro and yui then reiji san said that we need to follow him from the living room with his brother ayato and when we walked in the room yui sat in couch and I sat in the left side of yui and akiro nii sat in the right side of the couch then... When reiji was about to start the conversation...someone interrupted us and when I look up The near by the stairs I saw a boy that looks like ayato but he's hair is a little longer and has a fedora hat and with a fluffy scarf around him....then he said " fufufu...I was right...there are 2 cute girls and 1 boy..." Then he smirked then I sense him getting closer to yui and almost licking her cheek then I took out my dagger and put it in front from he's neck while my eyes close and when he sensed something cold from he's neck then he stop and looked at me shock same as ayato and reiji san's expression and they smirked then I said " don't touch yui as you please you perverted vampire..." And glared daggers at him and then he backed away and he puts arms around me and then he smirked and said " ne~ reiji who's this chick 1st she's interesting~" he cooed and then when I both open my eyelids I saw a boy with purple hair and violet eyes with bugs under them then he speaks " nee~ teddy do you think that girl so beautiful? Because I want to play with her and also with you too teddy...." Then someone punched the wall making yui flinched with her eyes a little frightened...then when I looked who punched the wall too weak then I saw a white haired man with pale pink tips in the ends then he said " who dares to wake me up in my sleep!?! Huh!?!? " then while he was arguing with the red head then I tried saying something in my mind about his punches ' he's punches are too weak ' I thought then I said " hn...aren't you going to introduced your brothers to us reiji san?" And fake smiled at him...then he start introducing...."that's the eldest shu 'he pointed at the guy sleeping lazily' "and this is the triplets....ayato 'he pointed at the red head' "then laito 'the fedora hat boy' "and the youngest from the triplets....kanato" 'with the teddy bear' " and lastly the youngest from all of us subaru " 'the anger issues' "and I'm the 2nd son, It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss cross..." And I gave him a nod...then when I was supposed to start introducing yui stand up and then said" um... I think I need to go to my room..." And when she started to walk away reiji interrupted and said " yui san aren't you gonna excuse your self it's very rude to just go without an excuse.." Then she tripped on the rug (I think?!?! Am I right!?!?!) and then when she felt something on her knee she look at her right knee and she saw blood dripping then when we saw that we went in front of her and protecting her with our daggers and guns out...then when we look at the sakamaki brothers we saw that they're eyes are looking at yui's knee with lust I rushed in yui side and pull out my aid kit and curing yui's leg then when I'm done I put my aid back into my pocket in my jacket then turned and speak...

Sakamaki brother's POV
We look at the girl named yui with lust in our eyes her blood dripping down on her knee and then the girl named akira rushed to her and pull out her aid in her jackets pocket and treat yui's scratch we look at akira with our eyes widened...not with fear but with shock in our eyes when she was finished treating her wounds she put her aid kit back in her pocket and turned then..

Akiro's POV
When akira is already finished she stand up then turned around and said " can you kindly pls. Take us to our room? Because I think yui is tired but I need to sleep with her too...and one for my brother got it? Vampires? " she said and then reiji said "cough*cough* ayato and subaru...take yui and akira san to their room and I will take akiro san to his roon..." Then akira and I nod understandable to each other reiji lead into my room then ayato and subaru lead yui and akira to their rooms before we went outside me and akira exchange glances and nod a little and we went separate in our separate ways to our rooms when I went to my room and said thanks to reiji then I took off my vampire hunter uniform then put on my PJ's then go to sleep then I look at the ceiling and I muttered "......yui......" Then I fell asleep

Akira's POV
when me and yui were walking in the hallway of the sakamaki mansion me , yui,ayato, and subaru were walking I was walking beside ayato and yui on my left and yui is waling beside subaru then while were walking ayato started to talk and said " oi! Ichigo! Why are you so silent? Are you scared of me and subaru? " then I shook my head and said with a simple "no" and then he grabbed my arm and then pinned me on the wall and then he gets leans closer then when he was almost in my neck I put my pale hands on his shoulders and Kick him where the sun never shines...then he said " Oi! Ichigo! What do you think your doing huh!?!?!"

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