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Daryl let me sleep until we made it to the CDC. He carried me over to the building watching his feet. There were dozens of bodies scattered everywhere. A few of them were shot before they were ever walkers. Daryl set me down and shot the walker coming towards us.
"What do we do?"
"We can't be out here after dark."
"We're trapped."
Everyone started talking at nice trying to make up a plan. They started to walk away, but Rick stayed.
"What is it?"
"The camera moved. There's someone in there."
Shane grabbed Rick's arm trying to pull him back with the rest of the group, but he started yelling at the camera. It moved again and I stepped towards it.
"Please.. We've come this far.. We'll die if you don't let us in."
As more walkers surrounded us the gates opened shining a bright light into our faces.
"If you have anything to get, get it now. Those doors don't open once they close."
Daryl ran back with the others to grab their bags. I kept my eye on the doctor. Something about this didn't seem right.
When they got back in the doors closed and he walked us to the elevator.
"Doctors always packing heat like that?"
"Just a precaution."
Daryl and I exchanged a look and followed Jenner down the hall.
"I'll take your blood and then the others."
"That's fine with me."
I pulled up my sleeve as carefully as I could and sat down in front of him.
"So what happened to you?"
"It's a long story."
"We've got time."
I shook my head and waited for him to take my blood. Lori walked over and helped me out of the chair after.
"Careful there, Allison."
I sat down in a different chair and watched as everyone got their blood drawn. When it came to Daryl he put up a fight.
"How do I know you're not trying to kill us or something? How do we know you're even a real doctor?"
"It'll just take a minute. I promise I'm not here to kill you."
I pushed myself out of the chair and took the needle from Jenner.
"Sit down, Daryl."
"Because I can always knock you out and then take the sample."
He sat down and held out his arm for me. Jenner scoffed beside me and took the sample.
"Now that that's over let's eat."

As we were finishing dinner Shane decided to be an asshole and asked what had happened at the CDC. I took another drink of my wine and watched Jenner's face. He was distant. Like someone who had witnessed a tragedy first hand. Sure we all have, but we had people to get us through. Jenner's been alone. I couldn't help, but wonder how many people just like him were out there right now. Alone and just trying to survive while we're drinking wine in a secure facility.
"You all must be tired. I'll show you where you can stay."
I followed right behind Jenner and tried to catch up to him.
"I'm sorry about Shane. He's been a bit off lately."
"I understand the curiosity. There were a lot of us in the start and things just went down hill."
"I know how that is. My first group had twenty five people. By the time I left it was the four of us. Nothing ended peacefully."
"Death is inevitable as it always has been. The methods are the only things that have changed. There's a red room down the hall and be easy on the hot water when you shower."
We all stopped and stared at each other.
"Hot water."
"That's what the man said."
I moved out of Glenn's way as he ran down the hall.
I almost started crying when the hot water first hit me. It was so soothing and normal. I scrubbed at my skin watching the soap suds gather on my skin. This is the cleanest I've been in so long.
I pulled on a pair of sweats and a tank top before putting my hair in a bun. I opened the door and almost ran into Daryl.
"Sorry. I didn't realize how long I was in there."
"Twenty minutes.."
He walked past me and shut the door. I looked down the hall to see the other bathrooms open.
"Hey Jenner."
"Have you been to the rec room yet? We've got a nice collection of books. I can show you if you want."
"A book sounds nice."
I followed him down the hall listening to him tell me about his coworkers that had stayed. He avoided talking about their deaths like they never actually died. I stumbled and he caught me before I could hit the ground.
"You ok?"
"Yeah. I haven't been walking much. Daryl's been helping me get place to place."
He nodded and helped me into the rec room. I was starting to feel a bit pathetic the way everyone had to help me around at the moment. Still it was better than falling and hurting myself further.
I picked up a couple of books and flipped through them. They were in pretty good condition. Jenner stood beside me looking through an old crime book.
"These never really interested me. They seemed too predictable."
"I always liked these paranormal books. They were for teenagers, but I liked to read them. Adult books were always too boring for me."
I smiled and turned to leave when Jenner grabbed my arm.
"Sleep well, Allison."
"You too."

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