Chapter One- Family Love

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I never thought this day would come. The day I finally go to university and make something of my self. Today was going to be a good day, or at least I thought it was..

"Darcey! Time to wake up" Ric thundered of the bottom of the stairs, I could tell something was wrong. He had a slight down fall in his voice. But today was meant to be a good day, why would he be upset?

I finally decided it was time to get up and sort myself out before I even showed my face down stairs. I walk slowly to my bathroom which was joined on to my brother Jeremy's bedroom as well. He was only 2 years younger than me which made him 17, Jeremy got into the wrong crowd at school at the age of 15. Started doing weed and other unnecessary drugs which messed up his life big time. Idiot. I only have my self to blame though, our parents passed away 3 years ago due to a horrific car accident. Jeremy was so close to our mum and dad he never got over the that they were gone forever. And to be honest, neither have I.

Our mum Allie always told us that everything happened for a reason. But why this? We didn't deserve any of this, none of us did.

Most people told me that I looked like my mum. Long blonde hair what went down to my hips with dark forest green eyes. I small, petite figure (about 5ft 3inch). I wasn't the brightest of kids in high school and was often own as the 'dumb blonde' or 'blondie', but little did them bullies know I was going to University. I was never popular at school but I wasn't someone who people hated. I purpose people didn't take me into consideration, which I'm not complaining about anyways. I just kept to myself and my best friend Fleur. I don't see much of her now. We've both gone our separate ways. I kind of miss her though. Growing up sucks.

I looked up at my bare face and my ratty wavy hair; this needed to be sorted out. So I slapped some foundation on, bronzer, mascara, nude lipstick and filled in my already full, thick eyebrows to bring me back to life. My eyebrows are my signature look I suppose, people knew me because of them, sounds ridiculous but they did. (I believe it was because my hair was blonde and my brows are dark brown, don't ask, it was just how they were.) I quickly brushed though my hair, cleaned my teeth then rushed to my closet. I took a sneak peak though the curtains to check what the weather was like; not so good. I slipped into some dark black skinny jeans with a thin black jumper on, basic right. I searched for my conformist shoes which I couldn't find. Perhaps I left them down stairs.

I ran down stairs to see all my bag packs for university which I had packed the night before and also my black high converse, Ric must of put them down here to make more time. Ric was our illegal guardian, one of our closest family friends. Someone we could trust like our Father. Ric has always been there no matter, he's done a good job with being the father figure in not only my life but Jeremy's. He was a great guy.

Ric was tall with soft scruffy brown hair, a gentle beard approaching and big brown eyes;many people in our neighborhood say him and Jeremy look a like so much. Which was true. Jeremy was just...Jeremy he didn't look like mum nor dad expect dads personality. Quick to give up and doesn't really care about anything that he does. Which was a down fall of his, he didn't seem to quite grasp the actions what would follow when making bad decisions, not only to himself, but the ones who loved him the most.

I walked towards the table near the kitchen to find that Ric and Jeremy had made me breakfast with my favorite; strawberry milk shake.

"Dars?" Ric softly spoke at the other end of the table.

"Yeah Ric?"

"I'm going to miss you so much you know that right?"

I stopped what I was doing I went over to hug him and Jeremy who look rather sad as well.

"I'm not leaving forever. I'll be back before you know it, you'll be wanting me out in no time"

Nothing but silence. A nice, peaceful silence.

"What are we going to do without you Dars? You're always the one who puts things right. The one who brings this family together even in our rough patches" A sad voice spoke next to me, Jeremy.

"Jer you'll be fine. Just promise me one thing?" My voice cracked.


"Don't go into the wrong crowd again this year, be better than that. You're better than that! You have to promise me that"

"I promise". Jer held out his pinky and with that ours interlocked. 

You cant break a pinky promise now can you?

Ric just smiled at me.

"Beep Beep"

"I guess that's my que to go now" I spoke in an upset tone.

Ric put my stuff in the back of the taxi whilst I stud on the porch outside of the house.

I gave Jeremy a warm, loving hug and the same for Ric. I looked at them both with meaning and said gently "I love you both"

Ric and Jeremy both smiled at me and returned the favor.

"Have fun!" Jeremy shouted as I walked slowly to the taxi.

"And remember we're only a phone call away!" Ric shouted with laughter at the end.

I looked at the both once more and smirked. I sat in the taxi and waved my goodbyes.

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