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*send direct message to @Michael5SOS*

@itsjustevie @Michael5SOS today's been awful Michael

23/11/22 2:23

@itsjustevie @Michael5SOS I'm tired of feeling like shit y'know? Loneliness isn't fun

23/11/22 2:25

@itsjustevie @Michael5SOS I've pondered giving up you know

23/11/22 2:26

@itsjustevie @Michael5SOS but each time I consider it, you and your music stops me...

23/11/22 2:26

@itsjustevie @Michael5SOS you've literally saved me and I can't thank you enough for keeping me going

23/11/22 2:28

@itsjustevie @Michael5SOS fuck me I wish you knew how much you mean to me

23/11/22 2:29

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