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*send a direct message to @Michael5SOS*

@itsjustevie I almost gave in today

25/11/22 00:07

@itsjustevie I came within an inch of ending it all

25/11/22 00:08

@itsjustevie I'd had enough of not feeling good enough for anyone

25/11/22 00:09

@itsjustevie I wasn't enough for my friends to stick around

25/11/22 00:11

@itsjustevie I wasn't enough for my family to be proud

25/11/22 00:12

@itsjustevie I'm nothing but a body of sadness and despair

25/11/22 00:13

@itsjustevie I want a sign Michael, something to tell me I'm wrong

25/11/22 00:15

@itsjustevie give me a sign and I'll stick this bs out

25/11/22 00:15

@itsjustevie I almost gave in today but give me a sign and I'll stay

25/11/22 00:16

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