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Michaels POV

I stared at her heart breaking response in disbelief that I'm almost certain the boys saw as clear as day because they came running over, reading the conversation quickly over my shoulder.

They knew all about my online involvement with Evie from all my impatience and worry when she took so long to reply when I first messaged her, they knew all about her insecurities and worries from the messages we shared. So they were always eager to be brought up to speed on how things were whenever she answered my DMs.

This time was no different.

"She literally thinks so little of herself oh my god," Ashton sighed as he frowned, rereading her messages again.

"That's awful, she just of been through some shit to think that," Calum nodded, shaking his head with as much disbelief as the rest of us.

"Mikey," Luke smiled sadly, his hand resting on my shoulder to catch my full attention, and with his tone of voice, he had it "You've got to fix her mate, be her reason to smile and look forward to living again,"

I nodded silently, knowing he was right as always.

Fucking smart ass.

But he was right. Nobody deserves to feel like this, nobody should be made to feel like they don't belong or aren't worth the life they were given, nobody should feel like they're not loved or won't ever be.

I'll fix her. I'll fix Evie.

As I went crashing down on to the comfort of my bed, I made myself a promise and pulled out my phone.

*send a DM to @itsjustevie*

@Michael5SOS I'll fix you Evie, I promise xx

29/11/22 7:05

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