His girlfriend hits your kid pt 2(luke)

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Luke pov

I just realize what i said "she probably deserves it" i can't believe what i just said but mostly what arzaylea did to hope.

That slave and her little monkey bett-she didn't finish her sentence because i grabbed both her arms and pinned her to the wall.

Don't call them out of there name's. It's y/n y/l/n and hope d/m/n hemming. I yelled at her. Matter of fact get the fuck out of my house you whore.

What she said

What you can't speak English. I said GET.THE.FUCK.OUT.OF.MY.HOUSE i yelled and she ran out. I gotta apologize to y/n and especially to hope.

Y/N pov

I can't believe what this asshole said to me. I said talking on the phone with y/b/f/n. Girl I'm so glad you beat that girl ass your lucky i wasn't there i wouldn't killed her no one touches my niece y/b/f/n said

Yea i sure did beat her a-i didn't finish my sentence because someone knocked at my door

Girl i call you back,ok bye i said hanging up the phone

Who is it,

ugh ok hold on

What you want i said firmly

I wanted to apologize what i said i didn't mean it i wasn't thinking straight. I needed that punch because that woke me up said luke laughing a little

It's fine but your apologizing to the wrong person you need to apologize to hope. I said

Where is she


Can i come in

Yes i said opening it so he can come him.

Where is her room? he asked

Turn left and then turn right and go straight i said

Ok thank you luke said

Anytime i said

Luke pov

I knocked on the the door who is it? hope asked she sounds like she was crying

Daddy i said

I-i-is your girlfriend with you she asked

No honey it's just me i said

She unlocked the door and went back to playing her dolls

I went to sit next to her and put her in my lap

Daddy is sorry for letting her touch you i didn't know she was hurting you. I'm so sorry hope i won't let her hurt or anyone hurt you. Can you forgive daddy i asked letting a few tears fall from my face. I didn't realize i was crying

Of course dwaddy i can she said smiling and wiping the tears from my face

I love you soooo much hope i said kissing her cheeks

I love you twoo dwaddy she said

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