The stripper

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Do you even care about our relationship anymore?" You sighed, glancing over your shoulder to see your boyfriend pulling on a jacket.
"Of course babe, you're just being paranoid." He irritably replied, patting down his pockets to see if he'd remembered his wallet.
"Well where are you going? Another strip club?" You asked hotly.
You'd seen him coming out of a burlesque club late one night last week, after going on a quick run to the local supermarket to grab a pint of milk and a few snacks.
"I'm not going to any strip clubs! Just out with the guys! Don't wait up for me." He snapped, slamming the door as he exited your apartment.
"Oh no, you're not getting away with it tonight." You whispered to yourself, quickly slipping on shoes and wrapping up in coat before following your lowlife boyfriend outside.
You snuck out the building cautiously, following the sound of hasty footsteps. You wanted to see it for yourself, hoping it will give you the wake-up call you needed to leave him.
After around 15 minutes of walking you heard a low booming of a DJ, indicating that you were nearing the club. You lurked in the shadow of a building opposite the club, seeing your boyfriend duck through the door. A frown settled on your face at the sight. You ran across the road and was given a strange look by the bouncer as you slid past him into the neon-lit building.
Immediately, loud music filled your ears; the thumping bass vibrating through the floor and making you shudder. On your left a long high stage jutted out to the center of the room, occupied by a few pole dancers and girls in lingerie strutting around and gathering notes from men and the occasional woman in the audience. The room was dark and more crowded than you expected. A few tall tables rose from the ground, only there for holding drinks. You rested your elbow on one, surveying the scene before spotting your boyfriend in a corner on a luxurious sofa, cozying up to a ginger girl with the best boobs you'd ever seen
Jealousy and anger bubbled away in your stomach, your hands curling into fists. You were about to storm over to him before a gentle hand tapped your shoulder. You turned, your eyes graced with the sight of an extremely handsome waiter.
"Miss," The man bowed his head politely, "The man at the bar ordered this for you, it's a Sex On The Beach." He gestured to glass balancing on the silver tray he was holding skilfully in one hand.
You made a noise of disgust without thinking about being courteous. It made the lightly tanned man smile though.
"Should I just leave it with you...Miss?" You had zoned out of the conversation, staring at your boyfriend's lips on the strippers.
"I can arrange a lady for you, if you'd like?" The poor boy misinterpreting your gaze.
"Oh no," You smiled at his assumption, "That's my boyfriend." You pressed your lips together tightly.
"Bastard. Want to make him jealous?" The man said, and you smiled again, catching his eyes in curiosity.
It took you less than a second to establish how handsome the man in front of you was. His naturally tanned body was clad in only tight black trousers, shoes, and a black tie around his neck. His golden curly hair hung gracefully around his hazel eyes and sculpted jaw. His body was decidedly beautiful, not intimidatingly fit, but just perfect.
"How would I make him jealous?"
"Here." He put down the drink and held out his hand to you and you took it, letting him pull you closer and closer to your sleaze of a boyfriend.
He stopped behind your boyfriend, quickly turning to you and kissing you roughly. His actions caught you off-guard and you moaned at the contact, letting his palm cup your cheek and his arm wrap securely around your waist, not expecting the kiss but enjoying it nevertheless.
Your noise must have been loud as you felt eyes on you and someone's arms in between your body, separating you.
"What the fuck?!" Your boyfriend roared, red in the face and glaring at you as you came to your senses,"Y/N what are you doing here? Who's this guy?!"
"I'd like to ask you the same thing." You remained calm, folding your arms over your chest and glancing at the ginger girl who sheepishly watched on at the scene.
"I...I'm just..." He stuttered.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. We're over. I want your stuff out of my apartment."
He ground his teeth together at your words, seething and squinting at the cute waiter who hadn't left your side.
Your now ex-boyfriend huffed angrily and stormed away from you. The sense of accomplishment drained away quickly and a heavy aching set in your stomach.
"Hey, are you okay?" The waiter quietly whispered in concern, touching your arm gently.
You turned to look at him and before any words could come out you burst into tears. He froze for a moment but you felt his muscular arms wrap around your shaking body.
"Shhh, shhh," He soothed, "Do you want to go somewhere quieter?" He asked softly.
You sniffed and nodded, letting him escort you through a door which read 'Staff Only'. He took you to what you assumed to be his dressing room.
"Ashton Irwin." You read out the name on the door.
"That's me!" He tried to make light of the situation but tears still slowly leaked from your eyes.
He silently invited you to sit on the small couch tucked in the corner of the room. You collapsed into it, sobbing loudly and muttering incoherent sentences about your stupid ex-boyfriend. Ashton rubbed your knee sympathetically as you babbled, crouching at your feet and spewing words of encouragement. You took a deep breath and tried to collect yourself, telling yourself that he was bad for you and that a break-up was inevitable.
You feeling any better?" Ashton said, his eyes filled with worry.
"Yes. Yes thank you," You sighed deeply and smiled, trying to perk up, "You're really kind for a stripper."
Your eyes widened in horror as you realised how rude you just sounded and you began to choke out apologies.
"It's okay." Ashton only laughed, "Us strippers do have hearts." He grinned, looking into your teary eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't mean-"
Ashton cut you off.
"It's fine." He stressed sincerely.
"Okay." You sighed, still feeling a tad guilty.
You glanced around the room you were sitting in. It was well lit and had a mirror and shelf along one wall. You caught a glimpse of your reflection. You looked awful, tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes, even your hair was limp in defeat.
"Oh God." You exclaimed at the sight of yourself and got up to examine your appearance in the mirror, "I'm a trainwreck." You covered your face with your hands as Ashton came up behind you.
"You look fine, don't worry about it." He reassured you but your hands remained glued to your face in embarrassment, "Hey," He took your hands away from your face and tilted your chin so you had to look him the eye, "You're gorgeous," You could feel yourself turning red, "Gorgeous." He murmured, his eyes trained on your lips.
He inched closer to your face before you closed the gap between you two, sealing it with a kiss. You drew away from each other quickly, staring at the other before silently agreeing that kissing was definitely a good idea. Ashton began kissing you with a sense of urgency, his hands roaming your body and pulling you closer to him as yours tangled in his thick hair. He backed you up into the couch and you sunk down onto it, allowing Ashton to climb over you. Your lips broke apart for a moment, both of you tearing clothes off, impatiently pining for your lips to touch once more. Ashton completely dominated you, holding your hands together at the wrist above your head with only one of his hands. You moaned as he decided to suck on your neck, a purple hickey blossoming. You were becoming wetter with every touch and began to grind your hips up into Ashton's crotch, teasing him and eliciting a strangled groan from his mouth.
"Babygirl don't do this to me." He growled, his lust-filled eyes boring into yours.
The nickname made your insides melt and you ached for Ashton to be where you needed him most.
"Ashton... Ash please." You begged, squirming and breathing heavily as you continued to created friction between you two.
"Fuck." He panted and hastily stood up, yanking his boxers off and sighing once his erection was released from the restraining material.You stared in awe, and Ashton let you as you were probably fuelling his ego. However after a few seconds Ashton decided he couldn't wait for you any longer and ran his hands up your legs, toying with the waistband of your underwear before ripping them off you as you squealed underneath him. He grinned and grabbed you, pulling you on top of him on the floor so you were straddling his waist. You manouvered your hand between your bodies, grabbing his length and slowly pushing him into you, lulling your head as you adjusted to his size. You draped your arms over Ashton's shoulders and started bouncing, setting a fast pace as your need for release built up. Ashton was biting back moans, using his mouth to kiss your neck and his large hands to caress your breasts and occasionally pinch your nipples. He must have decided that you topping was giving you too much dominance over him and he deftly flipped you over, resting your back on the soft carpet as he set a much more vicious pace, hitting your g-spot and sparking moans from you every time he pushed in deep. His strong arms held him above your quivering body and his lips engulfed yours, sloppily kissing you and smiling into the kiss as he knew you were close. His thrusts became harder, and you knew you'd be bruised tomorrow but you didn't care. The smell of sex surrounded you and a thin sheen of sweat appeared on your bodies. Your mouth was permanently open, gasps and whimpers escaping you as Ashton moved roughly. He hooked his arm around your leg and rested it on his shoulder, hitting a new angle and causing a wave of ecstasy to rush over you.
Fuck! Yes!" You moaned in appreciation, smiling softly as you saw Ashton's beaming face above you.
"Feel good?" He cockily asked.
You could only nod in response, words escaping you as he hit your g-spot repeatedly.
"I'm gonna-" You tried to warn Ashton but he interrupted you with a passionate kiss.
You tightened around him and your stomach exploded, you hit your high and Ashton's lips travelled down to pepper your neck in kisses.
Your chest heaved as he pulled out of you, pumping himself roughly until he came on your stomach, groaning loudly and whispering curse words under his breath.
"Shit," He panted, helping you up and handing you a towel that had been slung over a chair in the corner of the room, "Are you okay?" He checked.
"More than okay," You cleaned yourself up and walked over to him, slinging your arms over his broad shoulders and looking up at him, "Thank you." You tenderly placed a kiss on his lips.

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