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          CJ was asleep. She was in Medical room-5 in the Patient's Wing. She was bandaged up around her torso. Will was seated in a chair next to her bed. Voices echoed inside her subconscious. She remembered his face. His laugh, even her unexpected event, it made her twitch.

"No, don't leave me."

Her friend moved closer in concern. She moved her head back and forth.



She opened her eyes slowly, and stared at the ceiling. She looked around with her eyes, she could see that she was in Hospital Room -5, and she could hear the beeping of the EKG machine.

He chuckled. "Bad dream?" He grabbed her glasses from his shirt pocket and handed them to her. 

CJ puts them on. "You could say tha--" Memories of the accident began to float through her mind. She remembered the boy on the road. She recalled his face perfectly. "That guy. W-Where is he?"

"Who are you talkin' about? What guy?" Will asked

She sat up in a panic. "The one I ran over!"

"CJ, you were the only one on the road. There wasn't anybody else."

"That makes no sense, Will!"

"Look, Patrol examined the entire scene. There was no one there but you." 

"No, no! I'm not making this up. He was--!"

Man! You pack a punch! She could still hear his voice. Why would her best friend lie to her like this?

"I-I saw him, he was real. I ran him over, I know it."

Will sighed. "Ceej, he really wasn't. According to the report, it was a hit-and-run. Somebody crashed into you and drove off. They say it was a drunk driver."

The girl stood to her feet and moved quickly around the room. "I-I need to get home. Your Sergeant's supposed to be coming over. Can you sign me out?"

"You still got your bandages on."

"I-I'll rest up and heal at home! Can you get me outta here, please?"

"Y-Yeah, sure." He expressed and walked off. She paused when she saw her clothes. On the shoulder of her waitress uniform, was a dark smudge.

[His...handprint? Then he really was there!] She marveled.

Minutes later they were in the parking lot. Will was making room for her on the passenger side. She looked up at building, she saw someone on the roof. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and khaki pants.

She remembered that gray shirt, with his blood-stained down the middle. She couldn't believe it. It was really him.

"L-Look up there!"

Will did as instructed, but he saw nothing. "It's just a roof, Ceej."

She couldn't believe it. The boy was gone. Again. Will escorted into her seat, and they headed toward her house.

[He was there--wasn't he?] She thought in discouragement.

CJ was lost, maybe she was crazy. And if so she'd never tell anyone.

    Hours had passed and it was finally dark. Bailey was washing the dishes, the aftermath of Spaghetti Night. She was the only one up front. She saw headlights illuminating the Living Area, she saw Will step out of his jeep.

(TSF 1 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Hu-mans Path #1Where stories live. Discover now