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     In a back alley, two individuals were enjoying themselves. They were taking pleasure in someone else's torture. The captives' were an elderly man, and a young man their screams were muffled, and they were blindfolded. They were following orders, from their superior, Charles Mathis. Their names were Byron and Jillian, and they were veers.

 "You hu-mans must be cramped in this trunk, huh?" Byron asked.

They nodded wildly; he then pulled out a Syringe, and squeezed it into the old man's neck. "Hopefully this'll work and you'll be feelin' young again, gramps." The old man winced, and twitched until, he passed out. "Huh! Is that supposed to happen?" He asked her

"Ain't my needle, don't know--talk to the Boss." She said in her Southern accent. "Ooh! Me next, I called the cute one." She did the same to the other captive, and he had the same reaction.

"Huh! Didn't know I was that much of a knockout!"

"You? A knockout? Sure." He said sarcastically, she touched his back. He screamed, and knelt to the floor, her hand was literally inside of his back, she smiled cordially. "Was that sarcasm, Byron? Fair warning, I am squeezin' your spine." she said He yelled, and grunted; his pain was torturous. 

"No! N-Never sarcasm!" she released him and dark blood spilled from his back. She smile and watched it drip from her hand.

 "Freakin' Wraith!" He whispered and waited for his wound to seal up. 

"There's a rumor goin' around." She expressed enthusiastically

He stretched his back muscles. "Yeah? What is it this time?"

She giggled. "There was some kinda accident on Colson and Prattis. I hear a hu-man and veer were involved." She moved toward the car

"Hm, that's...interesting."

Byron moved and grabbed the car door handle, he opened it for her. 

She gasped flirtaciously. "Such a gentleman! But, there' more--"

She slid into her seat, he closed her door. He moved and made his way to the driver's seat. He hopped inside and smiled at her maliciously.

"I'm listening."

Jillian giggled with excitement. "The hu-man...saw the Healing Ability."

He smirked. "Really? Well, that's not good. What kinda veer was it?"

She sighed dramatically. "Didn't say."

He was confused. "Well, whose the hu-man?"

"Just a girl."

Byron was suspicious. "Do you think it could be...her?"

She scoffed. "Cicely Dixon? She's been under the radar for years. There's no way!"

He chuckled. "Well, whoever she is--something must be done.

They shared a wicked glance and buckled up. Byron put the key into the ignition and they drove off.

     Everyone was done working for the day. CJ received a message on her Holo-Cyl Receiver. It was her father's voice: CICELY, THEY MANAGED TO FIX YOUR CAR, BUT YOU'RE STILL GROUNDED. I'M LETTING YOU PICK IT UP; DO NOT CRASH IT THIS TIME. I'LL SEE YOU WHEN YOU'RE HOME.

Margo clapped her hands three times enthusiastically, everyone looked her way. "Super job today, everybody! Be sure to be here, same time next weekend. Okay? Great, you are all dismissed."

Everyone moved to depart, CJ hurried first, but stopped when saw Romy.

"Hey." The cheerleader expressed casually 

CJ shrugged. "Guess they're lettin' us out, on good behavior?" She joked

Romy chuckled. "That's a good way to put it. See ya Monday?"

The girl nodded and both ran off in different directions. She moved too quickly and collided into someone. She hit the ground and looked up in annoyance. "Hey!" She stopped and feared when she saw his face. She stood to her feet, as did he. "G-Gainor!"

He dusted himself off. "Well! Ms. Dixon, I see you still manage your... Radikality."

She panicked. "I'm-- very sorry 'bout that. But, I really have to go, Sir."

She saluted quickly and ran away. Krystal showed up with her friends, she noticed him and suddenly felt nervous.

"Um, why are you here?" She asked him

He smiles excitedly. "Button! I'm here to pick you up. You ready to go?"

Everyone stared at them skeptically and amusingly. She lowered her head in embarrassment. She couldn't believe that he called her baby nickname in public.

"T-Take me home, I'm tired anyway." She said with defeat

He moved and opens the door of his jeep. She slid in, regretfully. 

     Devin pulled out Sebastian's old steamer trunk; everyone was pulling items for Nate. He wanted to blend in more with society, being that he usually kept to himself. They all empathized with his isolation, so it was only right to help out the family. Nate wasn't the type to stand out, so he would wince when something was too flashy; he was standing rather mannequin-like. He was pacing in the Living Area; his idea of modeling, he already had on Tense's fedora, a cheetah print scarf, striped pants, and Sebastian's old pipe. Tense was hanging upside down in a chair, seeking inspiration in media primers. 

Elise was deciding on fabric swatches, she had on tight jeans and flats. She was the shortest female in the bunch. She tugged at those jeans that her Aunt suggested she wear. Nate started striking hero-like poses, and flipping his hair, in a feminine way, everyone started to laugh. Elise's shoes were on the floor, she kicked her feet in laughter. Her laugh was more than a giggle; it was an outburst. She avoided eye contact when she noticed all eyes on her, and looked down at more swatches.


     CJ was driving home, in her fixed car. "He wasn't there. He wasn't there. I'm imagining him--yep." She was sure to avoid any shortcuts, especially any which contained cornfields. She noticed a car right behind her, the same one that's been driving behind for three miles. She made a quick turn, that car made that decision also.

 "Just a coincidence."  She told herself. She drove faster, but the automobile did the same.

(TSF 1 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Hu-mans Path #1Where stories live. Discover now