Waking Up

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//Thank you everyone who read the first chapter it made me really happy that people wants to read me bad story. Well back to the story XD//

Jihoon's pov
*Ring ring* *Ring ring*
Mmmmm. My phone was ringing and it was interrupting my sleep. I'm going to kill who ever is waking me up. I got my phone out of my pocket and looked at the phone. "Daddy coups" was written on the screen. I'm really going to kill him and take him to hell. One because of yesterday two because of right now.

I picked up the phone "Where's my guitar? It has your face written on it."

"I knew you were going to say that. Now open the door I'm waiting outside with mum." He said calmly not even scared of Jihoon deadly threat.

"I'm to lazy too. Waitt how did you know which room I live at. You stalker." Jihoon says with I creeped out face.

"The land lord is friend of mine so she told me everything. Like which room you're at and that there was an accident that caused you having to live in another guy's house." He replied blabbering on and on.

"Well that wouldn't have happened if you didn't recommend this place for me. When there is no space left." I said starting to get angry.

"Ok ok you can kill me later. For now open the door your mum is freezing out here." Seungcheol said as he hanged up.

Well I'm kinda in a problem here myself. How am I going to get out if a guy who is bigger than is trapping me within his arms. How did this even start. I remember that I was waiting for tea but got tired and fell asleep. I guess Soonyoung was tired as well and hoped in bed but couldn't he have just went next door to sleep. Well I'll ask him after I get him to move his arms off of me.

"Soonyoung..." He didn't hear me.

I then started poking him then shaking him but nothing worked. I would just get myself out but everytime I try to get out his hugs me even tighter. I kept on trying everything. I had one last idea. Hopefully it works.

"I'm going to kill you." I said before doing aegyo which made me cringe and regret but at least no one saw that.

"Soonyoung I need to get out. Someone is waiting outside for me" I whined. He didn't even move.

Well I'm out of ideas. I do have one idea left which is to tickle him but I'm not sure if he's ticklish or not. Well here we go. I won't know unless I try. I tickled him and it worked. He woke up straight away but one thing I didn't think about is him falling off the bed and taking me with him.

Soonyoung's pov
I heard a phone ringing but I knew it wasn't mine  so I stayed asleep. Jihoon whined then picked up the phone. He started talking to some guy who seemed to be very close to him. It made me a bit jealo- wait why am I jealous. Jihoon is a guy for gods sakes plus they would probably be just friends. Friends.... They could be friends but they could be something more than friends. Why I'm a getting sad over a guy. I don't even have feelings for him. Like I'll never like a guy A GUY. Well anyways Jihoon started trying to get out but a side of me that I didn't even know about wouldn't let him go. I'm not sure why I was so stubborn but I was. Seeing him wiggle around hopelessly was pretty cute.

"I'm going to kill you." I heard him say that before doing aegyo which was freaking cute. I wanted to die but I couldn't move or anything because if he saw that I was awake. He'd probably kill me for real.

"Soonyoung I need to get out. Someone is waiting outside for me." He started to whine which made me sad. I was about to let go and just let him open the door for that guy but Jihoon started ticking me. I couldn't stay still and started squirming and laughing really loudly. I moved to much that I fell off the bed taking Jihoon with me. I hit the floor but I was more worried for Jihoon since he looked more fragile. Thankfully he landed on me so he wasn't hurt but I'm still going to ask just in case.

"Sorry are you ok?" I asked looking at him.

He rubbed his head and said "Yeah I'm ok but how deep is your sleeping! I couldn't wake you up not matter what I did." He pouted rubbing his head.

When he said that all I could remember was his deadly aegyo which made me go red. Since I couldn't move I just turned my face away.

"You alright? You're going red." Jihoon said as he put one of his hands on my cheek.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said back clearing my throat. All I wanted to do was run outside but Jihoon was sitting on me as I was laying on the ground so I couldn't move.

Jihoon's pov
Soonyoung was really red. I touched his face to see if he had a fever but he didn't. He said he was fine but I'm very suspicious of why he was so red. Wait he didn't see that didn't he.

"Did you see me doing that?" I asked him. He nodded in reply.

"You were awake! Why did you let me out. I'm so going to kill you. No one has saw me do aegyo before." I grabbed his collar and pulled him up so that he was sitting up. I sat in his lap so that he couldn't run. But before I could even punch him. He hugged me.

"Ok I'm sorry I knew what I did was wrong but you were so cute that I couldn't stop myself." I heard him say as he hugged me. What is this feeling why is my heart beating so much. I haven't felt this way since when I had feeling for Seungcheol. Well those feelings left when he started dating Jeonghan. Don't tell me that I'm getting these feelings back. No I won't admit it.

"Well I wasn't expecting to see this." Both me and froze and looked at where the voice was coming from. It was Seungcheol holding hands with Jeonghan.

//sorry for the lame chapter. I left it on a cliffhanger because I have to go school now. Feedback please.

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