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//Ahhhhhhh I'm so tired from school. I know updates are kinda not on weekends since I plan to have them on weekends but I overshoot the time since I get busy 😂 Anyways thank you guys for 45K READS. That is so amazing for me to see 😭😭😭😭. Also congratulations SEVENTEEN on winning 'Best Star Awards' at the Asia Artist Awards ceremony!!!!!! Anyways let the story begin!!!//

Jihoon's pov
I was sat laying flat on my bed. I just laid there, closed my eyes and listened to the sound of gentle breeze come through the window. It was soothing and relaxing... until something, well someone came to interrupt that.

"JIHOOOOOON where are you???" I heard Soonyoung shout from outside.

I stayed quiet contemplating if I should answer or not.


"I'm in my room," I finally answer to stop his shouting.

"Ahhhh there you are," I hear him say as he approaches my door.

Not even bothering to look at him I kept my eyes closed and rolled so that my back faces him.

"Where else would I be?" I asked.

"Well you could be in my room since you sometimes forget that we agreed to sleep in our own bedrooms," he says in my ear which surprised me.

My body jumped a little as I opened my eyes and turned myself to be met with Soonyoung's face close to mine. He smiled and laughed at my flustered expression before blowing at my face.

"Cute bed hair," Soonyoung said as he continued to giggle and ruffle my hair.

I couldn't help but blush more and pull my blanket on top of me to cover my face.

"Oh come on Jihoonie don't dome yourself again," he pleaded as he shook my body.

"No..." I muffled back.

"Come on and get up. It's almost midday. You can't sleep all day," he exclaimed.

"Yes I can. Try me," I say determined.

"But I made you food..." he whined.

Fooooddddd? I poked my head out of the blanket.

"You can cook?" I asked curiously.

"Not that well but we always eat out or go ask Mingyu to make us food. I'm trying to pick up cooking so that we can have meals at home," he said as he scratched the back of his head.

I giggled quietly at how shy he looked. I guess if it tastes horrible then he has an excuse for it.

"What did you make?" I asked.

"Nothing special. I just made an omelet. Sorry if it tastes bad," he apologised.

"It's alright. I'll still eat it even if it's bad," I answered.

He smiled back at me then threw clothes at me.

"Hurry up and get out of bed then get changed," he said before walking out the door.

Room Mates (Incomplete - I'm sorry guys, explanation in last chapter)Where stories live. Discover now