The Storm

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//I don't like school and tutor. I don't have time to do anything like write for you guys T^T anyways happy late valentines. What did you guys do. I was crying not being able to go to seventeen's concert but at least they announced the fandom name so I'm ok. CARAT will be the best fandom filled with kind people. I hope we will be a strong group for years to come.//

Jihoon's pov
"Yes I'm completely fi-" I was interrupted by a really loud thunder which caused me to jump into Soonyoung's arms. He stumbled onto the ground as I leaped into his arms. He was a bit surprised at first but he could understand that I was really scared.

"Shhhhh it's ok I'm here." Soonyoung said as he was patting me trying to calm me down. "You're going to be fine."

Soonyoung wrapped his arms around my shivering body. He stroked my hair and kept on telling me it was going to be alright. This really helped me calm down but it didn't stop my fears of thunder. Next thing I noticed was that we were sitting in the ground infront of the door. It was pretty cold out here and I guess Soonyoung noticed as well because the next thing he said was.

"Want to go into my room it's cold out here. Don't worry you can sleep in my bed again so I'll be with you." I went red from the flashbacks but lucky the power was out so he couldn't see me clearly. I nodded and started to get up but to my luck my legs won't move thanks to the thunder scaring me. Soonyoung started walking away and I grabbed his hand. He looked at me in surprise.

"Ummm. Could you help me please? My legs won't move" I say that as another thunder strikes. I jumped and started whining even more. Soonyoung stood there for a moment thinking about something then spoke.

"I'll help you IF you do aegyo and call me oppa." He smirked. I think I just dug my own grave. Not only have he seen it once but I have to do it again but this time I have to call him OPPA.

"It has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen or else I won't help ok??" I sighed when I heard that.

"Alright but this is for me not for you." He nodded. I took another deep breath and then....

"Oppa can you help me please~~~" I did my best aegyo that I could possibly do. I felt like dying but if that means I can get away from the thunder then I have no choice. Soonyoung seemed satisfied with what I did.

"I'm happy with that. Also I got a record of it too." I didnt notice the phone in his hands.

"I'm going to kill you when the thunder stops."  He laughed and put his phone away. He put one arm under me knees and the other one behind my back. This is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me. Why did he have to pick me up this way. Right now I'm too worried to even care but seriously he could've carried me differently. He lifted me up and walked to his room. As he was walking I snuggled my head into his chest. I think it was just my imagination but it sounded like his heart beat just got faster. He put me down on his bed but the sound of the thunder made me to scared to let go.

"It's alright I'm here. I won't go anywhere." He said as he cupped my face with his hands smiling. My face was going really red so I nodded quickly so that he could put his hands down. I slowly let go and moved over to give him some space.

Soonyoung's pov
Jihoon was in my arms shaking. It was really cute how scared he was. He was like a little puppy too frighten to do anything and since he couldn't do anything I kinda took advantage of that and got a video of his aegyo on my phone. Sorry Jihoon I couldn't help myself. No one will ever see it since it'll be my little enjoyment for me only. I was going to piggyback him but he would probably be to weak to hold on so I carried him in my arms bridal style. He snuggled his head into my chest which made me blush and my heat to beat faster. Hopefully he didn't notice. I got to my bed and put him down but Jihoon was to scared to let go. I felt really sorry for him having to go through this. My urge to kiss him kinda kicked in so I put my hands on my cheeks but before I did anything regrettable I was able to resist and just say.

"It's alright I'm here. I won't go anywhere." Jihoon quickly nodded and let go. He moved over and let me in. I hopped in and laid down beside him. I heard another thunder and opened my arms to let Jihoon in. Jihoon came and hugged me quickly closing his eyes and shaking. I hugged him back and put my chin on his head. I wonder how he was able to stand the thunder when I wasn't around. He probably went to his friend Seungcheol to comfort him. Thinking about it made me mad so I stopped thinking about it and focused on Jihoon. He still hasn't calmed down and I probably should get him to sleep since he looked really tired.

"Go to sleep. I'll stay awake until you fall asleep so don't worry." I said patting him.

"I would but it won't work that easily." He replied.

"Then how did you get through all the other thunderstorms?" I asked.

"Well since Seungcheol was always busy with Jeonghan I would wrap myself in my blanket and have headphones on playing music loudly until I fell asleep. But my headphones broke the other day so I can't do anything." He looked sad. I'm a bit glad knowing that Seungcheol didn't get to touch him.

"If it's just listening to music why don't I sing for you."
I said thinking that will help. I don't know if I can sing well but I could try.

"Singing won't do it. I need headphones to block the sounds of the thunder." I then interrupted him and said.

"Then how about here. Will this work." I had my mouth right next to his ear. After a while he nodded. I positioned myself to be closer to his ear and started singing softly. Jihoon's shivering slowly stopped and he finally fell asleep. His face looked calm which made me happy.

"Goodnight my cutie." I whispered just in case he was still awake. I pulled him in closer and went to sleep.

//Yeah hey guys... Sorry for the late update. Hopefully this chapter made up for that. My exams are in a few days so updates will probably be even longer then this time. Anything I could fix up on???? Please talk to me if you do like it. I promise I won't yell at you. Oh!!! Also one of my friends at school told me she had a dream where Woozi asked me out which made me really happy since he is my BIAS. She also said that she was fangirling in her dream because she said me and Woozi looked "cute" together. Pffff me cute nahhhhh. Sorry for that I just wanted you guys to know. Anyways thank you for reading. My puppy was biting my foot the whole time which really hurts so I need to put my feet in some ice now. Love you guys.

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