What's this feeling

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//Hello again. This chapter it's just another one to help me get the whole idea of the story. After this chapter hopefully it will be more cuter//

Soonyoung's pov
I was cleaning up when Jihoon fell on me. He lifted his head up and now our faces were so close and could literally feel his breath on me. Huhhh what is this feeling. My heart is starting to feel twisted. Wait I'm not falling in love am I? Nooo Jihoon is a guy and I just met him. No way could that happen. These little feelings are probably just me getting confused. Even if a agree that he is really adorable that doesn't mean I like him. But why can't a stop blushing when he comes close. Jihoon stumbled off me and helped me up. We helped each other clean and now we were washing the dishes together. Everytime out hands touch I start feeling nervous and look away.

"Ouch" I accidentally cut myself when I was looking away.

"You ok?" Jihoon took my hand and put it under the running tap. His hands are soft. I wonder why I haven't noticed this before when I was showing him around the house. Afterwards he wrapped a bandaid around my finger. He then kissed it which surprised me that I even stepped back.

"Sorry my mum (Jeonghan) always kissed my wounds better so now it's a little habit of mine." He said scratching his head. Even if that little kiss wasn't intended my heart was beating so fast. What is happening to me this can't be love. I refuse to admit it. We finally finished the dishes and we both went to our own rooms. Today has been pretty stressful mentally and physically.

*ring ring*
Someone was calling my phone. I picked it up and read the name was on the screen. It was a best friend Seokmin.

"Dddookkyyeeeooommmm!" I answered the phone.

"Hooshhhiiii!!!" He screamed back. "How are you."

"Fine. You?" I answered.

"Yeah I'm good but are you sure you're ok. You sound like there is something bothering you. You want to talk about it." He always knew when I'm down. I guess I couldn't hide it from him.

"You know me to well" We both laughed. We finally calmed down and I started talking. "Well there's this guy I just met. At first I just thought he looked cute since he was small and puppy like but as I spent time with him I started to get jealous at anybody he talks to and start if feel nervous whenever he gets closer to me. I don't know what this is."

"Well from what I just heard. You've fallen in love." He said.

"But he's a guy." I replied back quickly.

"Then you've fallen for a guy. Being a guy yourself doesn't mean you couldn't fall for one." I sighed when I heard that.

"I guess I couldn't have avoided it. But what do I do now. He probably doesn't even like me back. Should I just get rid of these feelings." I asked.

"Well now that you admit that these feeling are love just enjoy the feelings. Have fun spending time with the guy you love even if he doesn't like you back. Just talking or being with him will give you feelings of happiness and joy which is the best thing of being in love." He said in a calming voice.

"But I know that I'll eventually want to be more than just friends. What should I do when it happens?" I said starting to get sad.

"Well that time hasn't came yet has it? For now just enjoy being with him. And when the time does come see if there is a chance for you two to become more than just friends. If the possibility doesn't seem to be on your side then you have your answer and you'll have to let go of your feelings. But if not then go for it but be warned you might end up being more hurt than loved so be careful." He finished. I breathed out heavily.

Room Mates (Incomplete - I'm sorry guys, explanation in last chapter)Where stories live. Discover now