Getting closer

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//damn 2K reads what!!!!!! I don't really care about votes but knowing that people are reading this piece of poop makes me really happy. Thank you anyone who has read this far 😘😘. Yeah school has given me a beating but one more week till I get a two week break yay!! But that also means I get three exams and three assignments that week as well so bye bye sleep😭😭. Anyways thank you for all the support I love you all//

Soonyoung's pov
Thanks to Jihoon we got home safely without me hitting into anything. I swear I cried so much I couldn't see anything. It was all blury so I'm glad Jihoon was there holding my hand to lead me home. We got home and it was all dark. My vision cleared up a bit now so I could at least see where a was walking. Jihoon let go of my hand to go put our things away. He really does care about me. I wish he knew what affect his care had on me though. I could still feel the presence of his hand still in mine. It was warm and comforting.

"Soonyoung are you ok?" I snapped out of my thoughts noticing I was still at the door.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine. I just got lost in my thoughts." I answered with a little laugh scratching the back of my hair.

"You sure. You seem to be spacing out a lot lately." Jihoon asked tilting his head. God his little actions are to cute. I wish I could cuddle him.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry. I think I'll go to my room tonight." I said as I started walking to my room.

"O-ok. Goodnight then." I don't know why but he looked a little sad. I shrugged off the thought and went to my room. I closed the door and started to get changed. By now I was tired from crying so I didn't bothered putting on a shirt and sat on my bed. I leaned against the wall and heard the sound of Jihoon's door close from the other side. I heard a sigh from him before he got onto his bed and lean against the wall. If the wall between us wasn't there, we would be laying back to back with each other.

"Hey." I said to Jihoon through the wall.

"Hi Soonyoung. Are you feeling better." I could hear the sincerity in his voice. I made him worry without even explaining to him why I was sad.

"Yeah thanks to you." I answered then quickly covered my mouth realising how cheesy that was. Jihoon didn't say anything back and stayed quiet. I probably made him feel weirded out.

"Aren't you going to ask why I was crying today." I asked trying to start up a conversation.

"I would like to know so that I can find a way to cheer you up but I know it's none of my business." Jihoon replied with a sigh. That cute act he did before already cheered me up but I'm not going to say that to him. That'll be to embarrassing.

"I can tell you if you want." He really should know anyways but I'll see if he does want to know or not.

"I'd like that" I could hear him say. I took a big breath and answered.

"I few days ago I asked Seokmin for advice on these weird feeling I've been getting. He helped me out but then later confessed that he used to like me but I didn't even notice. What made me sad was that he had to go through a lot of pain to get over me while I was having fun with my ex-girlfriend. Knowing that now just made me regret my actions. I tried asking him if I could do anything for him but he just said I should keep that love for someone else and then treat that person correctly like I couldn't to him. Today when you went to get the rings I tried apologising to him again but he refused again. I couldn't help it since he is important to me and I caused him grief. That's when I cried and he gave me a hug saying the same thing he told me the last time. That's when he left and you came up." I paused to allow Jihoon take in everything.

"So it's because you cared for your friend to much." He let out a small sigh.

I couldn't help but just say "yeah" back to him with a small laugh.

Room Mates (Incomplete - I'm sorry guys, explanation in last chapter)Where stories live. Discover now