Gentle Fall of Snow

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//You guys are amazing people and gave me the best Christmas gift ever. You got me to my goal of 50K reads. Just knowing that people are reading this is what brings me joy and getting to talk to you all in the comments make me even happier. Is there anything I do in return? A friend few days ago said make a fandom name but idk. Give me ideas~~//

Soonyoung's pov
Today is the day you spend time with your loved ones. As you know I can't really go back to visit my parents and Jihoon didn't want to go see his real parents since he wasn't bothered so he stayed with me. We didn't really have anything planned for Christmas so we just decided to take a walk through the busy streets that are filled with festivities. It's better then staying at home and doing nothing so we were like why not.

The night was still early and everywhere we looked we saw bright lights, colours and... couples. Seeing all this kinda made it uncomfortable for us since we are both guys but we tried our best to not pay much attention to it and had fun. It was a little cold but it was manageable so I didn't wear many layers but just in case it got colder, I wore a scarf.

We walked around talking about completely random things but it was fun since I am spending time with someone important to me even if what we are doing is nothing extreme. I had a fun time and looking at how Jihoon was looking at me all cute and bubbly with smiles that melts my heart, it seemed like he was having a good time as well. Seeing that he is just makes me look at him so lovingly and smile softly.

"Ummm... Soonyoung?" Jihoon asked out of nowhere.

"Hmmm?? What is it?" I replied.

He seemed to shy away and not say anything which was adorable but I still wondered what he wanted. Sooner or later he tugged on my sleeve and point to the many stalls that were selling different types of food. I looked at the food and back at Jihoon and his eyes were just bagging me to take him there. It was really cute to be honest. Like really cute since he looked like an innocent child. All I could do was laugh and nod back at him.

"Tell me what you want. I'll pay for them," I then said.

He looked back at me so happily and then practically dragged me over there. Seriously he can eat a lot for such a small body but I shouldn't be saying anything since we are the same in that area. As soon as we got closer to the food, the aroma hit us and we instantly looked at each other. I pointed to a location a bit over to the right where an empty bench was, showed ten fingers and handed him some money before he looked back at me and nodded. Then we were off in opposite directions. To explain what I just did. I just said here is some money, buy everything you can in 10 minutes and I'll meet you at that bench. We kinda have this whole plan thing for whenever there is a lot of food involved so that we can get as much as we can since we both love our food hahaha.

10 minutes pasted and I met up with Jihoon at the bench I indicated to before, both of our arms filled with as much food as we can hold. The next hour was just spent sitting at that bench eating and chatting away. After we were done, it felt like our stomachs were about to explode so we both agreed that we needed to walk it off so after throwing away all of our rubbish, we were off again. This time we stopped at different stalls that didn't have food and played around. We checked out a few things like a jewellery stall but we already had 'couple' rings and Jihoon had the pendant I gave him on his birthday so we ended up not buying anything. Then we stopped and watched a street artist doing calligraphy. We both like traditional art so we were quite fascinated watching the artist. In the end Jihoon bought a painting of a dragons wrapped in water and lilies to put up in our living room. Afterwards we did more random things like we saw an accessory store and I went in and found a santa beard so I put it on and acted like santa which made Jihoon die of laughter. Apparently I looked like an lunatic but I didn't mind since I got him to smile. Then we kept on walking till we were stopped by a guy.

Room Mates (Incomplete - I'm sorry guys, explanation in last chapter)Where stories live. Discover now