"Parent" Meeting

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//Thank you everyone who has read this book. I'm updating a lot now because school isn't giving me much homework but I don't think it's going to stay like this for long so sorry for I don't update much. For everyone who is enjoying this story thank you so much it makes 13 year old me really happy//

Seungcheol's pov
I wonder what's taking so long. I've been waiting out here for a long time with Jeonghan beside me. Jeonghan has been worried about our little baby so I brought him along with me today. I saw him starting to shiver from waiting out in the cold for a long time.

"You ok darling? Come here I can warm you up while we wait." I said while holding my arms open.

"Thank you sweetie. I wonder if my baby is still asleep. He probably is knowing him. Should we ask the land lord for the keys then?" Jeonghan said as he came into my hug.

"That's probably a good idea. Let's go ask the land lord." I replied taking Jeonghan's hand and started walking down stairs. We got the keys and entered the apartment. We looked around until I heard a thud followed by Jihoon's yelling.

"Found him." I smiled at Jeonghan and walked towards the yelling. The yelling stopped when I got to the room where I witnessed something unexpected. Jihoon was flustered while sitting on another guys lap and the guy was hugging him. Well right now I need to do something about this because who dares touch my son without me knowing.

"Well I wasn't expecting to see this." The two froze then looked at me. Both of them became flustered and separated. Seeing them act like this was really cute and amusing.

Jihoon cleared his voice then spoke. "I can explain. Please don't start thinking weird things."

I looked at Jeonghan and he nodded. We followed them to the couch and sat down.

Jihoon's pov
I'm so dead forget me killing Seungcheol. He's going to come at me with all he's got and he will be even more deadly to Soonyoung. I wonder if he will be able to handle my "parents". Dear Jisoos Christ please answer my wishes and calm Seungcheol down before anyone gets killed. Amen. We sat down on the couch and there was silence.

"Well to start with. I was getting out of bed to open to door for you two but this guy wouldn't let me out." I started glaring at Soonyoung. "I tried many things I even did aegyo which NO ONE will ever see."

"Wait you did aegyo!!!!!" Seungcheol shouted "I haven't even seen it. You must've held onto him tight... Wait a moment why were you guys sleeping together"

"Put your fists down and listen to this first and I'll explain that after" I said to calm him down. He wouldn't back down until Jeonghan pulled on his sleeve.

"As a was saying I did aegyo because that was how you used to wake me up. I thought it would work so I tried it out because I was out of ideas and I've been making you guys wait for a long time. But it ended up not working. I later then tickled him which finally got him up but he fell off the bed taking me with him."

"Oh so that was the thud I heard earlier." Seungcheol said interrupting me again.

"Yeah but after that I found out that he was awake the whole time which meant that he saw my aegyo. By then I really wanted to punch him and was about to but..." I started to remember what happened next which made me blush and go quiet.

"But..." Both Seungcheol and Jeonghan said in unison.

"But I hugged him and apologised to him quickly before he could kill me." Soonyoung answering them back. "I'm not sure why I hugged him but I thought it would calm him down quicker which seemed to have worked."

"And is that where we found you." Seungcheol asked.

Both me and Soonyoung nodded. Jeonghan then let out a big sigh.

"I thought my boy lost his innocence but it was all a misunderstanding. Thank you Jisoos Christ." Jeonghan said looking really relieved.

"Don't be relieved yet darling. They still have to tell me why they were sleeping together." Seungcheol glared at us.

"To start with. After the whole accident about the houses I was pretty drained. He showed me around the house then left me on his bed to go make some tea. While a was waiting I feel asleep on his bed. But I don't know how he ended up sleeping with with me." After Seungcheol heard that his glare went from me to Soonyoung.

"Well after I came back with tea. I saw that Jihoon was asleep. I was pretty tired as well because I was dancing beforehand so I didn't have much energy left to do anything. I could've woken Jihoon up and told him to go his room or slept in his bed but I was to lazy to do any of that so I just hopped in bed with him." Soonyoung said in return.

"You didn't do anything to him while he was asleep did you?" Seungcheol asked.

"No nothing at all. Even if I wanted to I was to tired to do anything." Soonyoung said quickly.

After hearing all of this Seungcheol's face went from scary to kind. Thank god we passed through without anyone getting killed.

"Looks like our baby's innocent is still there." Seungcheol said as he looked at Jeonghan.

Jeonghan got up from his seat and came to hug me. He then whispered in my ear. "If something does happen and you don't want to get killed by Seungcheol just tell me and I'll tell him ok?"

I nodded and said "I will but me and my friend aren't like that so don't go to conclusions alright?"

"Alright." Jeonghan said and smiled before sitting back next to Seungcheol. The rest of the time was spent with my "parents" asking Soonyoung about himself. I just sat there but I was able to know more about Soonyoung thanks to the questions. Afterwards it was late so Seungcheol and Jeonghan started to get ready to go home.

"I'll miss you. Please come visit us." Jeonghan said as he gave me a hug.

"I will." I said in reply.

They both waved goodbye before walking off while holding hands. I'm actually glad Seungcheol chose Jeonghan instead of me because they really look good together. But I still have something to deal with. I said that while looking at Soonyoung. What am I going to do with him. I think it's better if I burry my feelings. I don't want to feel the pain of being heart broken again just like what happened with Seungcheol. Even though I fully recovered from it. I don't ever want to feel that pain again in my life. I started walking towards Soonyoung to help him clean up but somehow I tripped on my own feet and landed on Soonyoung. When I lifted m head our faces were almost touching. My heart was beating so fast. How am I going to live like this.

//Sorry that this chapter didn't have much soonhoon action. This chapter was kinda to help me get the base of the story since I'm just randomly writing bad stuff. Hahaha also I didn't add a Soonyoung pov this chapter. The pov lengths in each chapter will change depending on how I feel. Plus I added Seungcheol and Jeonghan what did you think about that. I promise the next chapter will be hopefully better. Thank you.

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