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     It turns out that the only reason we have to carry on our lives is to search for our "why?". I think that the word "why" does not fit as well as "love". You see, there is no point living your life without loving someone. You may have a generous bank account, you may have social status, you may be the best looking motherf**ker on earth, without the presence of your beloved in your life there is a void that can't be filled with none of the things mentioned before. I have experienced that, trust me, noting compares to holding my love in my arms, right to my chest, so I can feel my heart pounding against hers. There is a feeling of spiritual emptiness when she is gone, it is as the light of my eyes is slowly fading. I feel like I am losing my purpose, like nothing that I am doing has any meaning at all. If something good happens to me, she is the first being that I want to share it with, when I am sad, she is the only comfort I seek. I would do anything for this woman. Love is the most powerful feeling that we as humans were bestowed with. It is this emotion that gives you the strength to move mountains, the strength to single-handedly fight the whole world. Love is that one thing that gives you peace and true happiness.

     You should never give up on the one you love, especially if you are being loved back. Truth is people make mistakes, some of them unforgivable, but never forget; that person who does you wrong loves you more than anyone else in the world. We sometimes forget this, the single thing that really matters. When we get used to the one standing next to us, we start to take them for granted. This is the point in which we start to think that life can go on without them. And we are not wrong, life can be lived with or without love, but soon enough you realize how much you have been mistaken. When the nights are no longer a comfort, when the sunlight no longer has the power to wake you up from your bed, when your achievements no longer seem to matter. It is that when you are faced with the other truth, beside the fact that life can be experienced without the presence of your loved one. Life is a bitter tasting experience without the one who you can call your home. There is no worth in making a house without sharing it with your beloved, the only thing that makes it feel like home. There is no joy in being alone, there is no peace in living without love; it is the ultimate purpose of the human kind.

     Life will never feel like living without her, I love her so much, I would do anything I could for her and I know she would do the same from me. I will never give up on the person I love, I will love her always and forever, until I meet the final sunset of my life. It is then when I will shed a tear that says: "I only wish I could have more time with her, I am afraid that I might not gave her enough, she deserved even more..."


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