Dear daughter

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This is so my sweet little girl who is yet far from being born. I am writing as a memento that daddy is not a perfect man, he sometimes loses himself and gets depressed, but mommy was always there for him, always pulled him back into the light.

My dear, you and mommy are the world for me, I am the most fortunate man on earth, not only because I had the huge fortune to meet such an extraordinary woman as mommy, not only because this amazing woman fell in love with me, but the most important of all: she stood beside me, even when I did her wrong or hurt her. I want you to tell a little story to show you how lucky am I to meet the one who gave me everything.

It was mommy's birthday, the first one since we were together, and mommy, me with two other friends went out for the night. Mommy was dazzling, she was of such a beauty that she caught everyone's eyes. Not even the moon or stars in the sky could lighten up the night more than she did. At first, it all went perfectly, but mommy wanted to dance, she wanted so much to dance that night, so we tried to find a place, in order to make mommy's wish come true. Unfortunately all the places were crowded, to the extent of being full, so mommy's eyes got all wet and sparkly. She waited for me to save her, to grab her and to dance with her no matter how crowded the place would be. But daddy cowered and took the decision to go home. It was mommy's birthday, and daddy shamefully did not make her little wish come true. So we went home and mommy cried almost the whole night. It was me who was to blame, I should be her night in shining armor, but instead I fled. After we got home, I apologized for my behavior and I felt like I was the most despicable person in the whole world. Mommy was disapointed of me. She asked for such a small thing, and I couldn't manage to make it happen. Not only that, but when we finally got in bed, daddy, instead of simply holding and loving mommy hurt her by following his selfish needs, that almost broke mommy's heart. I have done two terrible mistakes which apparently ruined her birthday and Valentine's Day, and almost broke her heart. Do you know what happened the next day? Mommy loved me as if nothing happened. Even though we did almost nothing, she made Valentine's Day an amazing day. the day was peaceful and full of love. She forgave me, but, to be honest, I have never forgave myself for that night not even to this day.

My sweet little girl, what I want to say is that we are so lucky to have her as a mommy. She loved me no matter how much wrong I did her that night and not even once stopped doing so. I love your mommy so.. so much, she is a truly amazing woman and I, even though I was not perfect, I benefited from all her love and affection. Her love put me to shame, I loved her as much as she did, but forgot sometimes to pay more attention to her . I will never leave your mommy alone and I will never cease from loving her back 10 times more or die trying. You see, she is perfect, she is perfect to me, always stood by my side. She is the one who brought life to you, my sweet treasure, and for that and all the other moments we shared together I am forever hers. So let us not ever upset mommy, never again because she always gave her all to make us happy. Let us give mommy the love she deserves, let us love her so much that she drowns in it. Mommy is the woman that I never even dreamed of having. She is the sun in my eyes, my pillar of confidence, the beating of my heart and the blood flowing through my veins. I love your mommy so much... She was and you two will always be my everything. I promise that I will never love mommy in a way other that how she needs to be loved.

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