Oh my goshh!!!!

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Y/n had just given birth to a beautiful 5 pound baby girl and delivered the placenta when suddenly...

Oh my gosh doctor!!!

Dr.Cortess: what is it

There's another baby!!!!!

Y/n: what another baby no this can't be happening, ow ow ow ow

Dr.cortess: the baby is upside down in your atomic sac you won't be ready to give birth until we do a full examination to determine if this baby is healthy!!!

You began a pelvic exam to check y/n's cervix it had a strange feeling so you called in assistance to have them prepare for a c-section.

Hakeem: y/n I love you so much

Y/n: oh my gosh Hakeem would you just shut up shut up as you say crying I didn't plan on having a c-section I just didn't at all that never was discussed in the birth plan as you then lean in to give Hakeem a hug.

Dr.Cortess y/n honey listen to me the baby is in a breech position meaning (feet first) and head last this is safer for the baby and in no time you'll be a mommy of 2 babies.

5 minutes later...
You were being wheeled to the O.R (operating room) where you'd then deliver your last and final child through c-section, Hakeem come here baby I'm scared I don't think I can do this what if the baby isn't okay you say becoming teary eyed.. Shhh shhh No No y/n says Hakeem everything's gonna be fine I'll be here the whole time he says as they began prepping you for the operation
The anesthesiologist then gave you an epidural and some medicine in your iv and a face breathing mask for your oxygen,while nurses were draping you and cleaning your belly to officially start.

Hakeem then kisses you on the forehead and starts rubbing you on the side of your face, while you were now being cut open, as you were being cut open the doctor was explaining everything to you nice and calmly.

Okay y/n you might feel pressure and just tugging along with pulling nothing painful if so the anesthesiologist will give you something for the pain, forceps thank you okay now I need the suction and a towel, okay y/n we've got the baby's head almost here okay.

Hakeem then kissed you and rubs you again, when suddenly you both hear the cries of your second baby🎀🍼🎀🍼congratulations y/n another beautiful baby girl who you named Isabella Nicole Lyon was born at 33 weeks, Only 1 lb smaller than baby Natalia.

Hakeem cut the cord  they cleaned the baby and suctioned her air way and gave her a diaper and hat also hooking her up to monitors. And then told you that they were taking the baby to the nicu  for observation because of some concern, you then were given stitches while on the table you were crying asking Hakeem what did I do wrong baby it's all my fault you said.

Y/n: no it's not your fault it's no ones fault I'm more than happy to not only have one baby but 2 who I can now spend the rest of my life with and love unconditionally 💖forever and always🙌🏽

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