Forget Me Not

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Its been a week since you had woken up. A week sense the crash. You hadn't seen kankri and your brother had been updating you on how he was doing. 'Still out.' 'He should wwake up anytime noww' and stuff like that was the usual. You wouldn't give up hope. You were going to be released in three days by this point.

Your shit brother runs into your room at four in the morning waking you from your for once in a long while pleasant slumber.
"Wvhat the fuckin' hell do you wvant"
"He's awwake" that's all he had to say you were on your feet in seconds.
"He is?!"
"He is. He's talkin' to porrim right now but she said you could come ovver" you smile estatically and nod. Eridan leads you to his room for the first time since you arrived.
"Go on in." You do of course and you almost break down then and there. Kankri has a broken arm but other than that he looks fine. He's sitting in his bed talking to porrim who really is in tears.
"Kankri you're awvake!" You hug him. He hugs you back.
"Um yes I am...but who are you...and who is kankri?" You feel your heart shatter and you pull away from him. It dawns on you that Porrim wasn't crying because she was happy, she was crying because kankri had forgotten. Your eyes water and you back away. This is all your fault. You did this to him.
"Cronus I'm so sorry. He doesn't know anyone. Even himself."
"He's gone...i-i lost him...this is all my fault. I crashed into the other car." You whisper to yourself they both hear it though since you're still close.
" I'm very sorry I hope I'll remember you soon. I hope I remember everything soon." You nod slowly and walk out tears running down your face. You want to scream so you go back to your room sit on your bed and scream into your pillow sobbing violetly. Eridan enters the room awhile later and sees this he hugs you and tells you its going to be ok. But he's lying. He doesn't know that kankri forgot everything. You hate yourself for making him forget.

Kankri pov.

You keep apologizing to the poor girl you made cry which makes her apologize as well, you don't understand why. You tell her it's ok everytime. At one point a boy walks in he looks extremely happy to see you and he hugs you.
"Kankri you're awvake!"
"Um yes I am...but who are you?...and who is kankri? " You say. He backs away on the verge of tears. You apologize to him as well and the girl does to. Cronus, his name is cronus, it must be she called him that. He nods and walks out, hes begun crying. You feel terrible, you however you're going to remember them. You have too, if you knew them before this eleged crash you needed to remember how. For your sake and theirs.

The two visit everyday. Sadly you haven't remembered much. You respond to kankri, which must be your name since everyone calls you that, but you have no recalection of it before this point. A man who looks like you but older and a boy with similar features to you both visit as well. The elder is apparently your father and the younger, karkat, is your baby brother. He seems the most familiar you like to say his name as well as cronus's. It makes you feel like you're getting better. Saying the names brought back flashes mostly of their faces. Youd felt as though you'd said them a million times before. You didn't know that you really had.

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