Chapter 2

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Song: “Wonderful Tonight” Eric Clapton.

The dinner with Kenny went pretty smooth. Well it was definitely smoother than our last deep conversation. That was started with him yelling, me crying on my front steps, and him speeding off too not be seen for another five years. All through dinner I watched him, and he hadn’t really changed much. His looks of course were a little different; he had gained more muscle, and he looked older, but so did I. He still had those piercing blue eyes that looked through my soul. He still had the same mannerisms. He pulled the chair out for me and scooted it in for me. He asked what I wanted so inconspicuously and then ordered for me, before I could tell the waiter my order. As far as I could see the NHL hadn’t changed him, like it changed Taylor.  We talked about what we both had been up too the last five years. He never mentioned anything about Taylor, which I was thankful for. I figured he knew we broke up, I mean Taylor is like the second coming for Edmonton. We would constantly have to avoice the press and media everyday. When we broke up it was all over the papers, magazines and all over those rumor websites. It was impossible to avoid it. He offered to drive me home since I took a cab. When he dropped me off he asked if I could be his date to this benefit the Leafs were required to go too next weekend. I said yes. As much as I didn’t want to get too close, afraid of getting hurt or hurting him, I knew it would be good to actually get out of my apartment on a Saturday night, have a couple of drinks, maybe dance a little.

Kenny texted me with the details later that week, and told me he was wearing a gray suit and black shirt. It made me smile that he remembered I liked color coordinating my outfits with my date; something I learned from Kim. So I dug through all my many formal cocktail dresses knowing I had something appropriate for the occasion.  While I was searching for a matching dress, I came across the red dress that I wore the night Taylor proposed. I wished I could get rid of it, I just couldn’t bring myself to throw away a thousand dollar dress, no matter how horrible the occasion I wore it too. 

I settled on a dress I had bought when I was in New York for a shoot I had for Vogue. I went shopping in one of those downtown flea markets. It was a black lace, one shouldered cocktail dress. It came to the middle of the thigh. I remember this dress distinctively because I thought it was s classic, and I checked the tags it was an old Chanel original. The vendor only wanted 45 for it. That dress was worth at least a thousand. It had never been worn; the old tags from its original date were still on it. It was practically a steal. I paired it with one of the many Christian Louboutin’s that I had collected over the years. It’s amazing what kind of deals people will give you when you tell them that you date an NHL player. I loosely curled my hair, and ran my fingers through my hair so it separated the curls making it look wild.

Kenny was right on time. I was running behind so he was out in my living room waiting for me. I would be lying if I said I was nervous. I was scared out of my mind. Kenny and I had the same reaction when we get together. It’s like were magnets.  Even when Taylor were together and I was back in Windsor I had this draw to Kenny. He always seemed to be there when I needed him.

“You ready?” I asked as I put my earrings. It was always the one of the last things I do before I leave my house; next would be putting on the lipstick.

Kenny didn’t answer for a second.

“Oh” he said getting up from the sofa. “Yeah whenever you are”

I quickly put on my red lipstick, and fluffed my hair once more.

“Here” Kenny said grabbing my coat, and helping me put it on. “Let me”

“Thanks” I said shyly. I grabbed my clutch, and we were gone.

Kenny told me it was at the CN building, the big space needle in Toronto. I only knew that because you couldn’t miss something like that when you come to the city.

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